/ / Rhyme for the word "star" in different versions

Rhyme to the word "star" in different versions

Mayakovsky called poetry "driving into the unknown".Indeed, this is one of the most interesting and mysterious forms of creativity. How are verses composed, how do they form, how are those amazing images born that excite the soul, touch the heart, cause a smile of delight or tears of sadness? Akhmatova wrote that they grow up "out of litter, not knowing shame ...". The phenomenon of poetry is unraveled, probably never will. But here are some secrets of how to create verse lines, literary scholars still discovered. For example, how to choose a rhyme for a particular word? Let's try to find out.

From the theory of literary criticism

rhyme for the word star
What rhythm can be for the word "star"?Before turning to practice, let's look at the theory - what is rhyme in general. In the dictionary of literary terms, a definition is given: this is a consonance (coincidence), complete or partial, of the endings of two or more words in verse speech. Rhymes - a positional phenomenon inherent in the final words in the lines. They act as the organizing principle, linking strings and stanzas into a single whole. Thus, the rhyme for the word "star" in Leontiev's famous song "I'm sorry" for L. Zavalnyuk's words is as follows: "When the star rolls over the sky, / What the night trains are singing / ... Love never dies ...".

Types of rhyme

pick up a rhyme
In addition to sound coincidence, rhyme is closely related to stress. It is exactly what syllable in the word is percussion, and determines the type of rhyme:

  • For example, the words "young" and "home".The stress in both falls on the endings. This is the so-called male rhyme. It is widespread in poetry and has great expressive possibilities. In particular, it lends musical lines to poetry lines, euphony. In this respect, the rhyme for the word "star" is chosen as follows: "ride", "thrush", "bridle", and others: "Like a plum, a star hangs / The song of a thrush comes / You hear, spring came / It's her voice!"
  • Female type of rhyme.About him is the question, if the drums are the penultimate syllables in a strict phonetic pattern or mixed. The rhyme for the word "star" in this case is the following: "uyezd", "congress", "conversation" and others. One of the romantic poets wrote about the revolution: "Long live the symbol of the congress / applause, people! / Fiery Star / Star of millions of destinies!"

Accurate and inaccurate

Depending on the accuracy of coincidences of consonancecan be complete and incomplete. The first include a combination of the type: "years / never", "turn / knock", "alley / regret", etc. To pick up the rhyme is exactly this to the word "star", use the words "nest", "furrow". Incomplete, however, are assonant (vowels coincide, consonants are not) and dissonant (only the consonants coincide): "the word is left to glory", "the moon is fog", "me is fire". And what can be chosen for the word "star"? Rhyme, for example, this: "sequence." For example: "The blue star is shining / There is a lamp in my window / No sleepless nights / And there is no rest, there is no joy ...".

star rhyme

Blank verse

Speaking of poetry, we can not but mention socalled white verses. In them, the organizational beginning is the rhythm. Rhyme as such is absent. Characteristic of the white verse, mostly for dramatic works. In particular, this form was used by Pushkin, creating his "Stone Guest" (the cycle "Little Tragedies"). As for the word "star", the classic example is "Listen" to Mayakovsky. Nowhere rhyming, it is repeatedly found in various grammatical forms, including in the initial: "... every evening / at least one star is lit up over the roofs ...".

On the symbolism of the image

The "star" theme in poetry is extremelypopular and used very widely. It is connected with the ambiguity of the image itself and with a huge number of those subjects and concepts that it can define. Hence - the rich semantic and associative possibilities of the word. Thanks to them, those literary masterpieces that enjoyed lovers of the great Russian speech appeared.