/ / "Wild dog Dingo, or the Tale of the First Love": a summary and analysis

"Wild dog Dingo, or the Tale of the First Love": a summary and analysis

"Wild dog Dingo, or Tale of the First Love"is the most famous work of the Soviet writer R.I. Fraerman. The main heroes of the story are children, and it is written, in fact, for children, but the problems posed by the author are serious and profound.

dingo dog

Когда читатель открывает произведение «Дикая dog Dingo, or the Tale of the First Love, "the plot captures him from the first pages. The main character, schoolgirl Tanya Sabaneyeva, at first glance looks like all the girls of her age and lives the usual life of the Soviet pioneer. The only thing that distinguishes her from friends is a passionate dream. Australian dingo dog - that's what a girl dreams about. Tanya is brought up by his mother, his father left them when his daughter was only eight months old. Returning from the children's camp, the girl discovers a letter addressed to her mother: the father reports that he intends to move to their city, but with a new family: his wife and adopted son. The girl is overwhelmed with pain, rage, resentment at her half-brother, because, in her opinion, it was he who deprived her of the pope. On the day of her father's arrival, she goes to meet him, but does not find in the port hustle and gives a bouquet of flowers to the sick boy lying on a stretcher (later Tanya will know that this is Kolya, her new relative).

wild dingo dog

The story of the dingo dog continues with a descriptionschool team: Kolya is in the same class as Tanya and her friend Filka. Between the stepbrother and sister begins a kind of rivalry for the attention of his father, they constantly quarrel, and the initiator of conflicts, as a rule, is Tanya. However, gradually the girl realizes that she is in love with Kolya: she constantly thinks about him, is painfully embarrassed in his presence, with a sinking heart awaits his arrival on New Year's holiday. This love is very unhappy with Filka: he treats the old girlfriend with great warmth and does not want to share it with anyone. The work "The Wild Dog of Dingo, or the Tale of the First Love" depicts the path that every teenager goes through: first love, misunderstanding, betrayal, the need to make a difficult choice and, eventually, growing up. This statement can be attributed to all the characters of the work, but to the greatest extent - to Tanya Sabaneyeva.

a story about a dingo dog
The image of the protagonist

Tanya - this is the "dingo dog", so nicknamed herin the team for isolation. Her experiences, meditation, throwing allow the writer to emphasize the main features of the girl: self-esteem, compassion, understanding. She sincerely sympathizes with her mother, who continues to love her ex-husband; she struggles to understand who is to blame for the family frustration, and comes to unexpectedly adult, sensible conclusions. In appearance, a simple schoolgirl, Tanya differs from her peers ability to feel subtly, the desire for beauty, truth, justice. Her dreams of unexplored edges and a dingo dog are emphasized by impetuosity, ardor, poetic nature. Tanya's character is most clearly revealed in her love for Kolya, whom she gives with all her heart, but does not lose herself, but tries to understand, to comprehend everything that is happening.