/ / Viral Marketing: Types of Marketing Campaigns

Viral Marketing: Types of Marketing Campaigns

A marketing campaign is a set of tools andactivities aimed at promoting goods, services, brand or technology. Modern advertising campaigns are gradually receding into the past. In their place comes a more effective type of promotion - viral marketing. It can be spontaneous. For example, virus video - this is the most popular type of marketing.

To predict the effectiveness of the spontaneous viralcampaign is impossible, so it is not included in the marketing campaign. This includes only targeted promotion methods that carry viral marketing. That is, intentionally created marketing tools.

Varieties of viral marketing campaigns

It is difficult to determine which of the varietiesmodern viral marketing campaigns will be used in the near future, since genuinely brilliant ideas arise spontaneously. Modern marketing virus campaigns can be so unique and even exciting that representatives of the target audience distribute advertising themselves. This method of conducting a marketing campaign was called "word of mouth".

Ready-made advertising campaigns with a smaller shareProbabilities will attract the attention of the audience, since the attitude of most people is biased towards advertising. It is often associated with the imposition of opinions and unnecessary products. That is, the spontaneous ideas become viral because the audience initially does not recognize them as advertising. For a target audience, such a marketing tool is equated to entertainment. Over time, of course, some participants of the "word of mouth" will understand that they were presented with advertising. But this does not abolish the fact that they are very entertained and have received from her contemplation moral pleasure.

Looking at what kind of viral marketingcampaigns have been successful over the past few years, you can get entertaining statistics. It is used by the developers of the marketing strategy. Taking into account the current methods of virtual advertising, you can come up with a unique type of virus campaign. However, it should not be excessively catchy. Representatives of the target audience should think that they themselves stumbled upon interesting entertainment, for example, a fascinating video.

Examples of viral marketing campaigns

In the recent past, several species of viralmarketing campaigns have been extremely successful. Campaigns that created entertaining content, realized that the audience is able to independently choose to view ads and related materials. After viewing such a viral advertisement, these same representatives of Central Asia are distributing it, because they want to share information with the public.

The release of advertising, which pays less attentionpraise and relies on the entertainment value of an ad, can be a very successful strategy. The bet here is mainly on human psychology, because many people are interested in unusual and strange things.

Interactive advertising

To create successful marketing campaignsvirus type it is possible to arrange interactive communication with the client. This strategy allows the viewer to feel part of a particular story. In fact, the same approach that exists in computer games is used. The user himself will devote time to finding detailed information about what is happening in the video or on a particular site. This will attract potential consumers to the advertiser.

Interactive marketing schemes havestunning viral potential. When consumers are able to interact most directly with the company, they begin to rejoice for its successes. People are more inclined to pay attention to those firms that treat them as equals. For example, if the advertiser asks to participate in the testing or evaluate the product.

Where to place the viral advertisement?

Various sites and social networks provideavailable ways in which people can interact with advertising. They are also perfect for informing. A large site is the best place to launch a viral advertising campaign, because users can immediately share their impressions. This contributes to the open dissemination of advertising.

The sites themselves that allow you to interact withviral advertising may also be popular. Many famous brands create such platforms for new projects, attracting the attention of the target audience.

As the development of new sites and introductionproducts, advertisers come to new types of marketing campaigns that can be used for viral brand promotion. For example, you can create a small video about a fictional event. No special explanations can be given, since the lack of information will push the recipient of the viral video to in-depth study of the data. For promotion, you do not need to use a direct indication of the brand, but you can use hints. Viral marketing is limited only by the creativity of advertisers, so a successful campaign will be completely unexpected.