/ / Bootstrap - what is it? Twitter Bootstrap - design and creation of sites

Bootstrap - what is it? Twitter Bootstrap - design and creation of sites

Those who work at least a little with the spherewebdesign and familiar with the process of creating websites and their design, knows how far the opportunities for visualizing your content have gone recently. Thanks to technologies CSS, JavaScript and Flash, combined together, from any site it is possible to make the present masterpiece, such work of the modern art. And, of course, many designers are engaged in this, and a large number of companies generously orders the development of portals with incredible graphics. Moreover, the "wow effect" of the page can be achieved not only through a set of different effects, but also with simple but beautiful transitions, infographics, links and other things.

bootstrap what is this

True, every designer and layout designer knows thatto save time in the development of any resource you need to have a certain base, a template, on the basis of which you can create the final "masterpiece". That's why the Bootstrap platform was created: today it helps to save time and simplify the task for thousands of web designers.

Bootstrap - what is it?

So, start the description of the product follows with hisgeneral characteristics. Therefore, note that Bootstrap is a platform, expressed in a set of unique templates for the site. Each of them includes graphics, CSS markup and, of course, HTML.

twitter bootstrap

All this set goes in one archive, whichcan be downloaded for free from the official platform page. Thus, anyone who wants to design their site can use this set, and he will not need to write every page from scratch, doing basic actions: by marking a site, breaking it into blocks, selecting graphics for base icons and so on. In this case, each set of Twitter Bootstrap is quite individual. Unlike the usual patterns, there is nothing superfluous in it that will need to be removed or replaced. Create your brainchild designer can directly on the basis of Bootstrap.

How to start creating a website?

So, with the platform itself we have already met,now we turn to how to start developing your unique site. To begin with, of course, you need to download an archive with the Twitter Bootstrap template. It takes up very little space, and you can get it on the GetBootstrap page. There you can also choose the placement of the blocks that you need for the site. For example, there are pages in the form of landing-page with one picture, there is with a slider, with several headers, with pre-installed effects and so on. You just need to make a choice and download that archive, which is suitable for your site, based on Bootstrap. What is this set, you will see immediately after download.

bootstrap menu

Individualization of the topic

Each theme represents itself, like any othersite, a set of HTML files, CSS and graphics. The developers of the platform tried to bring the standards of design to the same standards, while at the maximum giving opportunities for the individualization of your topic. Therefore, in order to make your site unique, you will need to understand the platform device, the architecture of the site on it and how the code of each template is prescribed. You need to do this once, after which it will be easier to create your projects using Bootstrap. CSS and graphics are the same on all topics. In this and plus this approach.

All that interests us is a CSS file withname of the topic (it is placed in the folder "css", besides it there you will find two more files of basic settings of the platform, they can be left alone); and also "index.html", which is a markup of the main page. You should start from this, and other specific additions in the form of sliders, some Javascript-effects will already be determined by your task to create this or that site. For example, in the standard Bootstrap template, the menu can be designed in boring gray. For your site, you, of course, change it in such a way that it is executed in the right color and with all the necessary effects. This is the very individualization, but at the same time, since there is Bootstrap, it is not necessary to create menus from scratch, which saves time.

bootstrap css

Opportunities for designers

Actually, now about the possibilities that the platform Bootstrap gives. What are these perspectives - to work with such archives? It would seem that they are so remarkable?

In fact, there is nothing in the platform fordevelopers from Twitter there. The idea is extremely simple, like its implementation. But now the designer should not create a page of the site from scratch, in order to give it the necessary form. No, now a specialist can start directly from the shell, with the design of the site, without being distracted by such basic things as basic markup. Is this not an example of effective and rational use of time?

In addition, one morethe advantage of Bootstrap is that it is a way to help people who do not have the skills to create high-level CSS markup, to create their own professional design, because all the tools that can be useful for a coder are already in the templates in question. A person who knows about the creation of the foundation sites, is capable of much more. And this is really a significant plus in favor of Bootstrap.

Now the project is at the development stage,despite the fact that it was launched in 2011 and since then thousands of people have started working on it. Let's hope that the developers will continue to simplify the work with web design and help people create something new, individual and useful to the world.