In recent years, increasing popularitythey pick up knitted swimsuits. Openwork, light, with intricate patterns, they will create a refined, interesting and vivid image on the beach. With such an accessory you can not go unnoticed!
So, what is needed, in order to createknitted swimsuits? Schemes, yarn, lining fabric, hats, hook, needle, sewing thread. Yarn choose thin, made of cotton with the addition of elastane. Note that some types of knitting yarns are shrinking.

The top is ready, and we continue to make knittedswimsuits. Schemes for the lower part in large numbers are presented on the Internet. But we will make it easier. Take any panties that are comfortable and suitable for the model, and use them as a template. Start better with the top of the front. Dial the desired number of air loops and execute 3-4 rows of columns with crochets. Attach to the sample, and begin to reduce the number of posts by tying 2 together. Tie the gusset, then start to expand the canvas. To do this, follow 2 bars in one loop of the previous row.

Next, you need to connect the cups and panties,if you decide to knit a crocheted crocheted swimsuit crochet. The scheme for this is not required. You can simply draw a rectangle from an openwork mesh. In the middle of it you need to do a little already, to create a refined silhouette. Reduce the width of the same algorithm that used to create panties.

That the swimsuit does not slip, into the edges of the bottom andthe top part must be put in the hat band. So at us not only beautiful, but knitted swimsuits comfortable in a sock will turn out. Schemes of action can be different. You can insert the elastic immediately, in the process. We will do this after the product is ready. Attach the elastic band to the edge of the leotard, and the working thread under it. Insert the hook into the loop, grab the thread and run the column without the crochet. We will make the straps in the same way.
Be sure to try to create your own handsfashion knitted swimwear! Schemes and styles can be found on the Internet and relevant journals. And you can come up with your own. In any case, your beach attire will be unique!