/ / Carnival costume Pinocchio with their own hands

Carnival costume of Pinocchio with their own hands

The protagonist of the children's fairy tale "Golden Key"loved by children and adults from the very first glance. Therefore, it is not surprising that the image of the wooden boy Buratino is copied in many representations and carnivals. Mischievous and cheerful, he envelops everyone in a good mood. To learn how to make for the boy a Pinocchio costume with your own hands, read in today's article.

Characteristics of the hero

Favorite by many a fairy tale about the golden key attracts the attention of not only children, but also parents. Images of Malvina, dog Artemon and other bright heroes are often used for all kinds of holidays.

cartoon Pinocchio

In order to make a costume of Pinocchio with your own hands, you need to remember the main details of its appearance:

  • long thin nose;
  • striped cap;
  • orange shirt with a large collar;
  • blue shorts;
  • curly tuft;
  • Golden Key.

Refreshing the memories of this wonderful hero, you can start making clothes.

How to make a cap Pinocchio?

As we remember, in the costume of Pinocchio there was a bright funny cap with a tassel on the end. Make such an accessory is not difficult. To do this, stock up on a cloth with a red and white strip, thread and scissors.

  1. Measure the circumference of your child’s head and add a couple of centimeters to the resulting value. Based on the desired length of the cap and a circle, draw a sketch on the paper.
  2. Cut a sketch out of paper and transfer to folded fabric. It is necessary to do this in such a way that the result is one whole piece. Therefore, apply a sketch on the fold of the fabric.
  3. Cut the future cap out of the fabric and, twisting to the wrong side, sew it on the sewing machine.
  4. If the cap does not hold up well on the child’s head, then sew thin ropes or elastic bands to its lower edges.
Pinocchio outfit

How to make pompons for cap and shirt?

Since the pompon should be on the tip of the cap, and it should also be on the shirt in the costume of Pinocchio, we will begin to make it.

  1. Cut two cardboard donuts about 5 cm in diameter out of cardboard.
  2. Put them together and begin to wrap bright threads of wool. Can be wrapped tightly and in several layers. The more threads you use, the more fluffy your pompons will be.
  3. Use sharp scissors to cut the threads along the side of the cardboard, in a circle.
  4. Tightly tie the thread between the two "donut" cardboard.
  5. Remove the cardboard and flatten the pom-pom. Then, simply tying the rope to it, sew it to the right place in the Pinocchio costume and to the tip of the cap.
Pinocchio attire for the holiday

Pinocchio Shirt

Since for the Pinocchio costume for a boyyou need a very simple shirt, you can use the one that is available at home, or you can buy something similar in the store. The main requirement is orange, red or yellow color of the fabric, a short sleeve and a button closure.

Pinocchio from the movie

Taking the classic shirt as a basis, you can begin to improve it. The first thing to do is sew a large white collar, as befits a Pinocchio costume.

  1. Draw on paper the desired size of the collar. Looks like it should be on the letter "C" with rounded ends. Transfer it to fabric and cut.
  2. Make notches at the fold points and, having determined the middle of the collar, attach it to the shirt.
  3. Pin the collar to the shirt, then thread it manually.
  4. Sew on the sewing machine from the reverse side.

After making the collar, let's proceed toremaking buttons. For greater similarity, the existing buttons should be replaced by large black ones. Having made a couple of pompons, you can attach them on a string to the collar.

Shorts for the image of Pinocchio

Having issued a shirt, it is possible to start shorts.They are also easier to find ready. Surely such a thing is in the wardrobe of any boy. For the children's costume, Pinocchio will need the most simple blue or blue cotton shorts with a length slightly above the knees or knee-length.

If such a thing you still did not have, then watch the video from which you will learn how to sew the most simple shorts for the boy on your own and very quickly.

You will need striped socks to complete the look. It is desirable that their color coincides with the color of the cap.

How to make a long nose Pinocchio?

Perhaps the most important distinctive elementThe image of Pinocchio is his long nose. Without it, it will be difficult to understand in which character the child has reincarnated. So, there are several ways to make a false nose at home. Let's start with the simplest.

For this method, prepare a thin gum, thick paper, awl, scissors, tape, paint.

  1. Roll up the paper so that it is a bag. Glue the sides together with glue.
  2. Mixing brown (red) and white ink, paint the paper in color close to the skin of the child. Let dry.
  3. Then to the places where you are going to make holes for the rubber band, glue small pieces of adhesive tape. This technique will help strengthen the puncture site and will not allow the paper to tear.
  4. With an awl, make holes for the elastic. Attach the elastic to the nose on both sides. Spout ready!
Pinocchio's nose

The second option is also quite simple. For it you will need yellow foam rubber, glue gun, thin elastic and scissors.

  1. Using a pair of scissors, carefully form the base of the nose.
  2. Then, using the glue gun of the remaining small pieces, make the nose sharp. To do this, just slice piece by piece, cutting and sharpening them with scissors.
  3. Thread the gum near the base of the product and secure with knots.

The third variant of the false nose is the most difficult. It will be papier-mâché.

For such a nose, prepare plasticine, flour, glue, paint, black and white newspapers.

  1. Tear the newspapers into pieces and place them in a bowl, filling them with water. Let the stock brew for a couple of hours.
  2. Over time, add glue and flour to the bowl, mixing well. Leave for another hour.
  3. While insisting substance, you can proceed tosculpting basics. To do this, mold plasticine into the exact same nose that you wish to make using the papier-mâché technique. Its base must necessarily be smooth.
  4. When the nose is molded and the mass has stood for an hour, you can begin to glue the clay nose with pieces. After making the first layer, let the blank dry.
  5. After several layers, remove the clay and, after completely drying, begin to apply layers of paint. Mix the gouache paint to the desired color, layer by layer paint the nose.
  6. Before painting or after carefully make holes for the holes and tie the gum. Pinocchio's nose, made in papier-mâché technique, is ready!

Golden Key

And of course, what kind of Pinocchio without a golden key? It can be made the most uncomplicated way of thick cardboard.

To make a gold key, take: cardboard or thick paper, gold paint, decorative rhinestones, scissors and glue.

Draw a sketch of the future key on paper andtransfer to cardboard. Note that its size must be at least 20 cm. Otherwise, the accessory will not be noticeable from a distance. If the paper is too thin, then stick together several layers until you get the desired thickness. Then cover the blank with several layers of gold paint and decorate with rhinestones. Magic key for Pinocchio can be hung on the neck, for convenience.

costume for boy

How to make a tuft?

If the hair of your child does not curl at all, then you can make curls of paper.

Для этого возьмите тонкий лист бумаги и, отрезав small rectangle, paint it yellow. Then make a thick fringe on one of the edges and twist the ends with sharp scissors. Glue the finished "bang" to the back of the cap.