/ / Crochet tunic: scheme, description, types and methods of knitting

Crochet tunic: diagram, description, types and methods of knitting

Tunic is called a type of clothing, similar at the same timeon a short dress and a long sweater. Often, these items of clothing have a slightly loose or very wide cut, their length reaches the hips. They can be worn by children, girls and women, regardless of age, as there are enough varieties of tunic models. Their choice dictates only personal preferences and rules of good form.

Many people like these clothes for the opportunity to hide figure flaws, but it is worth remembering that the tunic always shifts the focus to the legs.

Types of tunics

Knitters who prefer crocheting have a special passion for tunics. How does the tunic fit? The scheme may not be useful if you choose a familiar pattern, then the thing fits in quite simply.

Of course, for beginners, everything seems complicated, but the cut of this piece of clothing can be simplified. If desired, it can be made up of squares alone, without complicated armholes, hulls and openings.

There are several main types of tunics:

  • Warm (solid knit).
  • Decorative (openwork pattern).
  • Beach (very large openwork).

crochet tunic pattern

Most often the object of creativity becomescrochet decorative tunic. The scheme and description of their models will allow the needlewoman to create a wonderful thing. In order to get an eye-pleasing product, it’s not a waste of time, effort and yarn, it is advisable to pre-plan the model, color and overall appearance. This tunic can be worn daily or to wear on holidays.

Knit warm products

Tunic for the cold season fit inwarm yarn. By the way, the pattern does not have to be very dense. The degree of its openwork depends on the plans of the skilled worker: wear a tunic as a sweater, vest or as an element of decor. The beauty of the tunic is that they can be worn over other items of clothing: golf, t-shirts, tops, blouses. A warm crochet tunic, the scheme of which provides for the presence of openwork, can be knitted from smooth or fluffy yarn. The hook number is selected according to the thickness of the yarn.

The optimal composition can be considered from 30% to 80%natural fibers (wool, angora, mohair) in the composition of the thread. Less content will lead to rapid wear of the product, its deformation (stretching, shrinkage), the appearance of pellets and the loss of a neat appearance.

Dense crochet tunic (almost any suitable scheme) can be connected both with a smooth continuous sheet and consist of separate fragments.

Decorative tunic

Openwork summer tunic-dress - that's wherereal space for imagination. Such things are knitted from 100% cotton, linen, silk yarn or from yarns with a high content of natural fibers. Thus, summer clothes acquire airiness and the ability to "breathe." In addition, natural materials always have the best look and rush longer.

Below is a crochet openwork tunic. The scheme and description are given here.

crochet tunic scheme and description

The subtleties of combining patterns

Особенностью сложных изделий является возможность combinations of several patterns. In this case, there are three of them. Often, when trying to combine more than two patterns in one product, there is a risk of getting an unattractive and lurid combination. The same model is designed very well. Here, square fragments are used to form a web with even geometric outlines. These are strips along the bottom of the product, on the chest and on the sleeves.

The second pattern - openwork "bushes" - is applied forknitting of the middle part of the tunic and its sleeves. Triangles (the third element) perform the separation function. The most interesting thing is how the developers of the model approached the design of the most difficult areas: neck, sleeves and armholes. A simple grid was used for their knitting, which made the crochet tunic (the grid pattern could be the simplest) only won. The grid with cells of arbitrary sizes is also used to inscribe the motif in the upper part of the sleeve.

Products from fragments

The following model is slightly more difficult to manufacture, as it consists of hexagonal motifs.

crochet tunic pattern

Many craftswomen find this form the most difficultof all, since combining such elements is not easy. But only such fragments allow you to properly fit the sleeves in the armholes. The resulting product is worth it to work hard and apply circular crochet. Tunic, the scheme is also suitable for almost any, it looks very elegant. You can wear it for work or leisure. By the way, knitting fragments will be easier if you apply the elements of a square shape.

Crochet beach tunic: scheme, description, features

A rather popular type of tunic isbeach capes. If there are sleeves, then they are knitted very wide. More often the crochet beach tunic, the scheme is proposed below, it is knitted freely and with the presence of straps or straps.

beach crochet tunic scheme

It is easier to use and wear.swimsuit. For beach models, you can use even very frank types of azhur, as the main purpose of such a product is not to hide, but to show the outlines of the figure.

A very exciting experience is crocheting. Tunic, the scheme of which can be simple or complex, will be a great addition to the wardrobe of a fashionista!