/ / Basic trousers pattern for a man

Basic pattern of pants for men

This manual is for those who likewould sew stylish and comfortable pants for their men. Many needlewomen believe that sewing men's trousers is more difficult than making women's pants. However, the pattern of women's pants is basically similar to the pattern of men's pants. To get the trouser pattern right, you need to take measurements from the man who will wear them.

Table number 1

Body Dimensions
Waist circumference*
The size of the hips*
Inner length from groin to bottom*
Outer length from waist to bottom*
Length from waist to knee*
Circumference of the knee*
Width of the trouser legs at the bottom*

In order for the pattern of men's trousers to be correct, it is necessary to add 4 cm to the size of the waist circumference and to the size of the hips. All other sizes do not need to be changed.

Carry out the following calculations and fill in the table number 2.

Table number 2

Body DimensionsDivide by 4Divide by 20
Waist circumference**
The size of the hips***
The size of the knee girth**
Width of the bottom of the trousers**

1-2 - Pattern of trousers is constructed from verticalline, the length of which should correspond to the outer length from the waist to the bottom. Draw a horizontal line from point 1 to the right. Let's call it the waistline. Draw a horizontal line from point 2 to the right side. This feature will become the line of the bottom of the trousers.

2-3 - measure from point 2 a segment equal to the inner length from the groin to the bottom. Draw a horizontal line from point 3 to the right. Let's call it the seat line.

4 - Find the middle between the seat line and the bottom line of trousers (between points 2 and 3). Draw a horizontal line 6 cm higher. This feature will become a line of knees.

5 - postpone from point 3 a size equal to ½ of the hips of the hips. Draw a horizontal line from point 5 to the right. Let's call it the hip line.

6 - postpone from point 5 to the right a segment that is equal to ¼ of the size of the hip circumference, and add 1 cm.

7 - measure from point 6 to the right a segment, the length of which is 1/20 of the hip circumference, and add 1 cm.

8 - Find the middle between points 5 and 7.

9-12 - draw vertical lines up and down from point 8. This feature will become the center line of the pants.

13-14 - from point 6 draw the vertical lines up and down.

15-16 - measure from point 11 right and leftsegments equal to ¼ the size of the knee girth, and subtract 1 cm. Draw an auxiliary line from point 5 to point 16. Draw a line from point 15 to point 16 forming the line of the knees.

17-18 - measure from point 12 to the right and to the left the size of ¼ of the circumference of the bottom of the trousers and subtract 1 cm. The line from point 17 to point 18 forms the line of the bottom of the trousers.

21 - measure from point 14 upwards a size equal to ½ the distance between points 14 and 20.

trousers pattern

Front half of trousers

The pattern of trousers will be more accurate if you round the inner part of the leg between the groin and the knee.

22 - measure 1 cm from point 13 to the left.

23 - postpone from point 22 to the left the size of ¼ of the waist circumference.

24 - measure 1 cm from point 23 upwards.

pattern of men's trousers

Rear half of trousers

25 - set aside from point 8 to the right a size equal to 1/20 of the hip circumference, and add 1 cm. Measure off the point 8 with a 1/20 turn of the hips and take 1 cm off.

26 - postpone from point 25 to the left a size equal to ¼ of the hips and down the size equal to 1/20 of the hip girth, and subtract 1 cm. The line from point 25 to point 26 forms the hip line for the back of the trousers.

27 - measure from point 8 to the right a segment equal to the distance between points 8 and 26.

32 - postpone from point 9 to the right 3 cm and up the distance equal to 1/20 of the hip circumference, and subtract 1.5 cm.

pattern of women's pants

33 - measure from point 32 a size equal to ¼ of the waist line, and designate point 33.

trousers pattern
34 - draw a line from point 27 to point 28 anddesignate point 34 below on 1,5 see. Drawing trousers, try to smoothly round the line going from a groin to a knee. The pattern of trousers will be more correct if you use patterns to draw round lines.

That's all!