/ / Step-by-step instruction of mosaic weaving by beads

Step-by-step instructions for mosaic beading

Among the variety of types of needlework withusing beads draws attention to the mosaic weaving. He was subdued as miniature works in the form of ornaments, and quite voluminous paintings, for example, paintings. The completed product has the structure of a mosaic, therefore the name "mosaic weaving with beads" arose.

Acquaintance with this technique is amazing beautydeveloped schemes and carries you into work with your head. The use of several types of weaving can bring the canvas so close to the original that they will be almost identical. In addition, the work in this technique is characterized by a dense structure.

Mosaic weaving with beads for beginners inThe period of acquaintance may seem a little complicated in view of the scrupulous attitude towards fulfillment. However, strict compliance with the rules will lead to an excellent result and will only increase the interest in the matter.

Master class of mosaic weaving,provided by us, will help you to understand the nuances of work and create your own product, whether it be an animal figure, a toy, an ornament, a picture or even flowers.

mosaic beading

A feature of the mosaic technique of weaving with beadsis the location of the beads themselves. Firstly, they do not touch each other in rows, but have a peculiar gap. And secondly, each next line falls into the interval between the beads, formed by the woven previous row. For correct consistency, you must start the work properly and follow the patterns of mosaic weaving.

Beginning of work

The first rule is to immediately apply the first two rows of the product to the needle. For an illustrative example, we will use six beads - three elements for each line.

The second rule is observance of the order of beads of the first and second rows, that is, they must alternate between themselves.

The third rule - weaving an odd number, it is necessaryobserve its strict arrangement of elements over the elements in the previous odd number. And the same pattern must be observed for even lines. Hence, beginning with the third row, its beads should be at the level of the first row, and the elements of the fourth - above the second. Continuing work on this principle, you can easily perform a canvas with the correct mosaic structure.

mosaic beading master class

Forming equal edges of the canvas

The guarantee of even edges of the product is the constructionbeads in one row. Notice that an even edge is formed on the third line of the beads (the first element of the third row is clearly above the last element of the first row).

Types of flat edges:

  1. Smooth sides on both sides of the product, that is, one edge forms even rows, and the other is odd. For this location, work should begin with an even number of beads.
  2. Observance of a flat side on one side by evenor odd numbers implies a set at the start of weaving an odd number of elements. One edge is formed with observance of pictures. And the other side - in accordance with the following: to secure the third element of the third row, insert the needle into the first element of the first row and the thread should come out in the direction of the beginning of the fourth row.

Adding Beads

When doing mosaic weaving with beads, you may need to add a number of elements to the canvas. There are several options for doing this:

1. Addition at the beginning of the series:

  • we fix the last element of the preceding series;
  • we deduce a needle through the same element on the edge of the article;
  • add the bead to the thread and again insert the needle into the last element of the row preceding the addition;
  • The required action has been performed, and the preservation of the flat edge is carried out, if necessary, by the first option.

2. Addition at the end of the series:

  • we add the element to the thread;
  • stretch the needle through the first element of the previous row;
  • Observation of a flat edge is done in the second way.

3. Adding two elements.

Such a technique is performed with simultaneous addition of beads at the end of one and immediately at the beginning of the next row. We put both elements on the thread and pass the needle to the first.

mosaic weaving scheme

Decreasing Beads

The procedure is performed in two ways, depending on the requirements of the scheme:

  1. At the end of the series - weaving is simply not done withusing the last bead of the previous row, the thread is drawn through it and the process of weaving continues. When it is necessary to reduce a certain number of elements, the thread must be removed in the bead from which the work will continue.
  2. Inside the line - the thread is drawn through the previous row and leaves in the right place.

mosaic beading for beginners

Increase and decrease elements

In one row, you can perform not one but a series of these actions:

  • to increase the number in one place we weave two elements, which will give us in the next line an additional one bead;
  • to reduce at the same time you need to hook two beads and further over them you will weave one element.

To learn and master the whole process in detail, the master class will help you.

Mosaic beading in a circular fashion

The number of elements is only an even number.You can begin this kind of weaving in two ways. If the work is built from the middle of the scheme, then dial at once two rows, as with a flat version of the weave. In the case of starting from the designated place, you need to dial only the first line of beads, close it and only then work on the second row.

Closing the circles leads to strict symmetry and helps to get a clear picture.

mosaic beading technique

As for the mosaic weaving of three-dimensional figures with beads, work here must begin either from the narrowest point or from the widest one.