Recently, people are increasingly being askedthe question of how to live on 10,000 rubles a month. In Russia, the subsistence minimum is slightly more than this amount. And so it is quite logical that people think about the opportunities that they will have. Often you can hear that someone exists at 10,000 per month for 1 person, and some generally contain for this amount a whole family of several members. And all this is far from a fairy tale. Therefore, sometimes it is very difficult to understand how to live on 10,000 rubles a month.
With payments
It is generally accepted that alonethis amount can be lived. But only if you constantly refuse everything in yourself. After all, in this issue, we must also take into account communal payments. In most cases, these costs (they are referred to the basic, mandatory) are about 5000.
Remains exactly half.In principle, the average student can live and eat normally. But rarely. No frills, daily consumption of meat and some delicacies. It is enough to buy everything only the most necessary. For many, such a marginal saving is simply unacceptable. Therefore, if people are interested in how to live on 10,000 rubles a month, it often means no spending on utilities. In this situation, you can follow some useful tips that will not allow you to strongly deny yourself everything.
About such a word as "supermarket", it is necessarycompletely forget. In a crisis, prices are rising very fast. And so one purchase in a shop costs an average buyer in Russia about 500 rubles. Purchased products usually last for 2-3 days maximum.
What happens?If every 2 days to put in a store for food 500 rubles, then the costs per month per person will be 7 500 rubles. This amount includes only the most necessary products. It turns out that one person can live on 10,000 per month. But the family or the couple - no longer. But how do people deal with this situation somehow? Indeed, this is so. How? Just do not go to supermarkets every day. Yes, and generally forget about their existence.
Think about how to live on 10,000 rubles a monthfamily of 3 people? In fact, it is not so difficult. Of course, very much depends on where you live. In Moscow, for example, "meet" even alone in this amount is impossible, not to mention a couple or family. Therefore, we will not talk about the capital, but the average provincial town.
About the supermarkets have forgotten. Great.But where then to buy food? The answer is simple - the market. It is here that you can find the same goods, but at a lower cost. In addition, in the markets very often the quality of products is better. It is advisable to buy for a long period of time. And often do not go shopping. In this case, you do not have to puzzle over how to live on 10,000 rubles a month to a family of 3 people. In general, if you do not pay attention to various delicacies and harmful products, then the purchase in the market will help you survive the crisis.
Without children
But the rule that can protect you from unnecessaryand unwanted spending in difficult times. Especially it concerns those who think how to live on 10,000 rubles a month to a family of 4 or more people. And in general, any cell of society, where there are children.
It is extremely simple - for shoppinggo strictly without the younger family members. Explain to the child that you can not buy him a toy or "Kinder" for the reason that you have no money, as practice shows, it is useless. Instead of understanding, you will get hysterics, tears and resentments. As a result, an extra purchase will be made, which is not very cheap at current prices. Or the child will hold on to you a huge insult, which in the future will make itself felt. Therefore, all the purchases have to be done without small children. Then there will be no need to panic again, how to live on a family of 10,000 rubles a month.
Another rule - to buy only the mostnecessary. No matter how much you like, but with a difficult financial situation, you will have to take food without excess. That's why it has already been advised - not to go shopping with children.
Please note:you too will have to deprive yourself of the pleasures of food. No chips, "Cola", carbonated drinks, ready-made pizzas and so on. To live on 10000, you need to buy only those products that are stored for a long time, do not indulge your stomach, but saturate it.
It's worth forgetting about different cakes, pastries, andalso some fruits and vegetables. On average, a kilo of apples now costs about 70 rubles. Enough for one person, say, for 3 days. In this case, restrictions on fruits and vegetables can be removed. If the family has children, you will have to deny yourself this pleasure almost always. After all, all vitamins will need to be given to the growing generation to the maximum.
Semifinished products
How to live on 10,000 rubles a month together?It has already been said that you have to buy everything you need and on average keep 500 rubles a day in stores. But not for a person, but for two. With such purchases, you can really live and eat normally.
Nevertheless, it is difficult to comply with this rule.What else can you refuse to cope with the crisis? For example, from semi-finished products. Finished products are a huge waste. And the portions that you will be offered will be extremely small. Sometimes one dinner (for example, a pizza 350 grams) costs 300 rubles. But there is breakfast and lunch!
You need to somehow live a month on 10000together? Feel free to bypass all counters in stores with semi-finished products and finished products. For example, supermarkets have their own kitchens on which to prepare meals. Forget about them, too. And remember the holy rule of saving - now you have to cook all the time yourself.
If you do not go to supermarkets, you will have to use one small trick. How to live on 10,000 rubles a month alone for food only? Or, for example, a small family?
There will help a variety of sales and promotions instores. In the mailbox very often throwing leaflets, in which you can always see what goods at a discount and at what date is sold. Compare, choose the products you need and go shopping at a certain store. This does not mean that you have to immediately buy everything. Sales and promotions must be approached wisely.
This option can be used if youDo not want to severely limit yourself. Yes, you can not afford most fruits and vegetables, but if you look carefully, then you can always get them for sales at a moderate cost. This is how people survive for the crisis at 10,000 rubles. They study stocks, choose the most profitable offers, and then go shopping. The main thing is not to forget about the measures. And do not look for products that are not necessary.
How to live on 10,000 rubles a month with two children? Are there any other means of saving and surviving for families? They are available, but not all will be able to observe them.
A good option is to control your own spending.Get a special diary. In it for each day make bookmarks with bills. At 200 rubles a day. This is the amount you can spend on products. And then try to minimize the number of shopping trips. Missed 1 day? Then the next time you can spend not 200, but 400 rubles. And so on.
Конечно же, лучше тратить меньше.Collect all the leftovers from the month and put them into the envelope. Let it be funds for some third-party needs. For example, on washing powder, hygiene products or dishes. Families with children will find it difficult to comply with this rule. But a couple or a single person is quite real. That's so easy and simple you can save, live on a small salary, and also save some money. Even if it is 200-600 rubles a month - it's already good.
Well, you can not leave without attention and suchthe moment as the cost of transport. Sometimes the question "How to live on 10,000 rubles a month?" we mean that utility bills are not included in this amount, but other expenses are quite. And transport too.
The machine can be left standing on the street.And try to ride it at a minimum. Do you even have it at all? Then there will be no problems either. On public transport, too, it is better not to ride. Or try to use bus / trolley buses more. Minibuses are an extreme option, when there is no other way out.
To 10,000 live with transportspend more, walk and walk. Or on a bicycle / roller. It is enough to exclude frequent travel by public transport and own car, and you will notice a huge cost savings. By the way, about a taxi, too, you can forget.
A cafe
We have already said that the family is able to livefor the amount specified in the article, but you will have to cook at home. If you need to somehow hold out for a month (or permanently live) for 10,000, then there are no ready-made foods and dishes.
Cafes, restaurants and fast food should be understrict prohibition. If you want something "harmful", learn how to cook it at home. For example, the french fries or chicken nuggets that are loved by many can be home-made. They are not inferior to those bought at the cafe. Unless the price for such a delicacy will be less in the "home" version.
Не можете научиться готовить любые блюда из fast food? At all refuse them. Yes, it will be hard. But sometimes you can not do without such limitations. After all, saving shows the result only if you constantly monitor yourself. Also, avoid shopping centers and places where you may be tempted to make an order.
Wholesale bases
How to live on 10,000 rubles a month to a family of 5 people? Only spending on food is taken into account and nothing else. It would seem unrealistic to do this. Or it is necessary to exist, and not to live.
But this is not so.If you think carefully, then any family can live on this money, if this amount goes only to the purchase of products. And to make it is not so difficult. It's enough just to go shopping at wholesale stores. It is in such places you can buy food at discount prices.
In some cities there are such wholesalefood bases, in which the prices for any product are simply ridiculous. For example, instead of 600 rubles for 2 kg of chicken fillet, you will give 250 rubles. And while the quality of products does not differ from the store version. Or the packaging of candy-gelatin will cost 10 rubles, not 130. Similar places are available in every city. And if you managed to find such a base, you can rejoice - you can live with the whole family for 10,000 rubles a month, not denying yourself anything.
However, it is necessary to buy at such basesthoroughly. Sometimes it is better to call a taxi once for the return journey. Try to buy only long-term storage products: frost, cereals, pasta, cheeses, semi-finished products (here it's allowed), plus what can generally "lie" for a long time, like candy and chocolate.
The main problem of modern residents is thatmany believe that it is simply humiliating to buy at wholesale food bases. Pride should be hidden away. And then there will be no problems. After all, products that are sold in such places, often buy out the same supermarkets and make huge margins. It turns out that for the same goods buyers overpay.
In the article we gave tips that will help you learn how to live for 10,000 rubles a month to a family of 2 or more people.