/ / How does the windshield replace the CASCO?

How is the windshield replaced by CASCO?

In our country the owner of the vehiclemust have an insurance policy. Car insurance CASCO covers all costs associated with the theft of the car, as well as its damage as a result of a traffic accident. One of the most common insurance cases faced by many motorists is the damage to the windshield due to a small accident with minimal machine breakdowns, as well as when foreign objects enter it while driving. Therefore, many car owners are interested in the question of how the windshield is replaced by CASCO.

Types of damage to the windscreen

replacement of windshield by hull

To date, there are the following types of damage to the windshield of the machine, which involves insurance payments:

  • a battle is a situation in which the windscreen has been damaged in a collision with another car or as a result of falling into it of any object;
  • crack - glass damage to strangerssubject or as a result of a strong temperature difference. This type of damage is one of the most problematic, because replacing cracked glass on the policy is quite difficult;
  • chip - damage caused as a resultphysical impact. However, it is important to understand that the replacement of the windshield by CASCO in Rosgosstrakh is possible only if the diameter of the damage exceeds 3 millimeters;
  • Scratches are for insured events, butfor the replacement of glass, a technical examination is necessary. If the scratches on the windshield are located on the passenger side or do not interfere with the normal survey, the policy does not cover the costs of replacing the windshield;
  • abrasions are related to damage caused by the effect of wear, so the replacement of the windscreen is not covered by the policy.

From the above, it follows that when replacinga windshield for CASCO in RESO, there is always a guarantee, and under the policy of any other insurer is not provided in all cases, therefore, when registering insurance it is recommended that you carefully read its terms.

What is written about the damage to the glass in the policy?

Ingosstrakh replacement of windshield by hull

All types of breakdowns and damages of the car, which involve the payment of cash compensation to the driver, are listed in the contract.

As for the glass, all information about the damage to these elements is registered in the item "Replacement and repair of glass elements", which include:

  • front, rear and side windows;
  • side view mirrors;
  • headlights of head light;
  • parking lights;
  • turn indicators;
  • elements of additional lighting, if they are included in the factory equipment of the car.

Compensation for the repair or replacement of any of the above items can only be obtained if it is specified in the contract.

Insurance programs

Insurance cases, under which the replacement of the windshield by CASCO is performed, the consent of the insurer depends on the insurance program chosen by the driver.

To date, each driver can insure his vehicle against the following risks:

  • hijacking - the driver receives compensation only in the event of car theft, and if no additional services are provided that involve the payment of car repairs, compensation is not paid by the insurer;
  • According to the standard policy, the replacement of the windshield is paid only if it is damaged in the first two cases, and if this limit is exceeded, all repair work falls on the owner's shoulders;
  • when drawing up simplified insurance to receive monetary compensation, there is no need to employ traffic police;
  • replacement of windshield by CASCO with franchiseIt is possible only if the amount of damage suffered exceeds the cost of the policy. Otherwise, the costs of the owner of the vehicle will be significantly higher than the amount of damage incurred.

If in the event of a road accidentincident or in view of any other circumstances, the windshield was damaged, then before contacting the insurer it is recommended to read the contract very carefully, in particular, what insurance cases it provides, as well as the procedure and terms for receiving monetary compensation.

How does the windshield change according to the CASCO policy?

replacement of a windshield by motor hull

Replacement of the windshield by CASCO in RESO and policies of other insurers takes place in the following sequence:

  1. If you get into an accident in which glass elements were damaged, you should call representatives of the traffic police at the scene of the accident.
  2. Notify the insurer of the incident. To do this it is necessary in the terms stipulated in the insurance contract.
  3. Write an application for the replacement of windscreen for CASCO.
  4. Undergo technical expertise to determine the amount of damage.
  5. Prepare a package of necessary documents.

Only by adhering to such a sequence, one can count on monetary compensation for all repair work that was performed as a result of the occurrence of the insured event.

What documents need to be prepared?

To receive compensation when replacing the windscreen on the CASCO policy, you must provide the insurer with the following documents:

  1. A certificate from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.
  2. A copy of the minutes.
  3. Certificate of technical expertise, determining the amount of damage suffered.
  4. The decision to refuse to open a criminal case, if the damage was received from third parties.
  5. CASCO policy.
  6. STS.
  7. Original passport.
  8. Driver's license.

If you have incomplete insurance, the documents in the first, second and third paragraphs are not needed.

Ways of obtaining monetary compensation

replacement of the windshield at Casco Rosgosstrakh

After the technicalthe examination and the insurer will satisfy the decision on the payment of monetary compensation, the driver can receive compensation for the damage suffered in one of the following ways:

  • replacement of the windshield on the hull at the expense of the insurer at the service station;
  • in cash at the company office.

These methods have certain advantages and disadvantages, so it is necessary to elaborate on each of them in more detail.

Replacement at the expense of the insurance company in the workshop

This method is more preferable.since in this case, the insurer not only pays for the work of mechanics in dismantling the broken and installing a new windshield, but also compensates for the cost of all materials, including the glass itself and the rubber seal. Thus, the work will be performed more qualitatively, and the amount of their payment will be much more than when paying cash. In addition, the insurer and representatives of the SRT are interested in the replacement of the glass element in the shortest possible time, so the repair time is much less than the payment of cash compensation to the customer’s hands. Do not forget that in the VSK windshield replacement according to the hull is considered completed only when the vehicle owner checked the quality of the work done and signed the corresponding document.

If repairs have been performedpoor quality, then in Ingosstrakh the replacement of the windshield by the hull falls under the category of insurance claims, so the company must completely eliminate all the shortcomings that will be discovered by the owner of the car.

Cash compensation

casco harness replacement

If you have replaced the glass yourself andIf you want to receive monetary compensation, it is very important to carry out repairs within the stipulated contract period, after which it will be necessary to show the vehicle to the technical specialists of the insurer, who must record the fact of the performed repair work. If these conditions are not met, the SC may refuse to compensate for the damage incurred by the driver when the insured event occurs again.

What if the insurer refuses to fulfill its obligations?

If for any reason the insurer refuses to fulfill its obligations when an insured event occurs, then in order to receive insurance payments it is necessary to do the following:

  • To undergo technical expertise at an independent company, which must document the need to replace the glass element;
  • sue the insurer.

If the trial is wonthe vehicle owner, the insurer will not only compensate for the damage incurred by the driver, but also compensates for all associated costs and legal fees.

What glass is installed on the car when it is replaced?

casco replacement with franchise

Replacing the windshield on the hull assumesinstallation of such an element, which was used by the manufacturer. An analogue installation is allowed, however this must be separately agreed between the IC and the owner of the vehicle. But there is no special sense for the motorist in this agreement, since the copy is cheaper and its quality is much worse compared to the original glass.

In addition, the glass, installed on the car factory, may have the following options, which are deprived of analogues:

  • heated glass to prevent it from freezing and fogging in winter;
  • branded toning;
  • protection from light glare, which can blind the driver and degrade the quality of his review;
  • protective laminated coating.

In addition to replacing the glass itself, the insurer mustpay the cost of all items that are provided by the plant. If they are not replaced, the repairs performed are considered incomplete. However, the replacement of related elements must be spelled out in the contract, otherwise the payment of their replacement is not made.


VSK Casco Windshield Replacement

Replacing the windshield on the hull should bepaid by the insurer only if the insurance covers the risks associated with theft or damage to the car during an accident, in which it is no longer possible to recover the car. This also applies to simplified insurance systems, but the number of insurance payments in this case is limited.

To avoid various problems and unpleasantsituations in case of an insured event, you must carefully read the contract when you make a policy. Particular attention should be paid to the list of risks covered by insurance. However, as practice shows, in most cases, the insurer fully compensates for the cost of repairing or replacing all glass elements if they have received critical damage and cannot be repaired.