Everyone needs money.As now the crisis reigns in the country, there are few of them. But the need for money is not reduced. Because people have to look for ways out. And most often, unfortunately, this is a loan. In order to borrow money from a bank, a potential client must meet a number of requirements. Usually it is age, experience, statement of income. But what about young people who have problems with many of the above? For them, too, there is a way out. And this is a credit card. With 20 years to get it quite real.

About conditions
Everyone knew that the main line of creditproducts have always been available only from 21 years. But then the requirements were tightened and the minimum age was set at 23 years. Which is logical: by this time, it is certainly possible to accumulate working experience. It will even work with a person who got a job only after graduation from a university. Requirements for people who are interested in mortgages, long-term loans for buying a car or funds for investment are especially tough.
But there is still a credit card.Since 20 years to get it really. This applies to male clients, girls can contact a bank or a credit institution at the age of 19. Also, a potential cardholder must have at least one surety. You will also need a document confirming the financial viability of the client. A certificate in the form of 2 personal income tax, a certificate of receipt of a pension, a scholarship, etc., and a confirmation of the length of service (at least 3-6 months).
Now you can tell more aboutwhere the credit card is issued from 20 years. The first bank worth noting is Tinkoff. It allows you to arrange the Platinum katochka even remotely by sending a request via the Internet. And then the courier will deliver it directly to the client’s house.
Limit on Platinum card (payment system"Master Card") - 300 000 rubles. For annual service a person pays 590 p. And the decision on approval of the application is taken on the day of appeal. The interest rate is from 24.9 to 34.9 percent per annum. For withdrawing money, a commission of 2.9% + 290 rubles is charged on top. Even for the owners of "Platinum" there is a grace period of 55 days (that is, interest is not charged). And, most importantly, the minimum age for issuing a card is 18 years.
Everything looks quite attractive.But there are some nuances. For example, immediately get a card with a limit of 300 000 rubles will be difficult. The bank will first set the “ceiling” at 4,000 r, then at 10,000 r, and then at 15,000 r. And it can be understood. The bank must know how solvent the client is. And when he is convinced of this, the credit limit will be raised (at the request of the person).

"Alfa Bank"
This is another popular financial institution inwhich issued a credit card with 20 years. It is called "100 days without interest." And the main "highlight" of this credit card is the longest grace period. What, however, you can guess by looking at the name of the card.
The limit is 150 000 rubles, maintenancecosts 1,290 p / year. Interest rates are quite high - from 26.99% to 33.99%. And the fee for withdrawing money is 6.9%. A person can issue a credit card upon reaching the age of 18. It is available both with and without a chip. By the way, there are cards that work not only on the “Master Card” system, but also on the “Visa”.
The interest rate at the bank is high, but there issome nuance. And it consists in the following: the more information about yourself a person provides - the higher the probability of obtaining favorable conditions. And yet - to the received card, a person can get three more. And there is an option to set separate limits for each of them.
Touch bank
Европейская финансовая организация OTP Group known for its remote bank called Touch Bank. And he offers his potential clients to issue a credit card from 20 years. And this idea is not bad. After making a debit card and using it, a person will be able to use borrowed funds of a financial organization.
The limit is half a million rubles.You do not need to pay for the service, and the decision on extradition is made on the day of the application. Even for the withdrawal of funds from the card commission is not charged. Moreover, a customer who owns such a card can use an ATM in any country of our world.
Льготный период, кстати, длится 61 день.And the interest rate starts from just 15.9% (the maximum is 36.9%). This is one of the most profitable offers on the Russian market. In addition, the system charges bonuses to the client on the account in the amount of 9% on the balance.

It should be noted attention and this shareholdera commercial organization, talking about banks that give credit cards. 20 years is not a minimum in the case of Avangard. Here you can apply at 19. The Bank offers the World Railbonus card to customers, by paying for which you can accumulate miles, which are then very profitable to spend on the purchase of railway and air tickets. The calculation is as follows: one mile = 30 rubles. And Avangard delights its customers with charging thousands of miles once a year.
The card limit is half a million rubles,service costs 1000 p / year. The application is approved within 3-7 days from the date of its submission. Annual interest ranges from 21 to 30%. A grace period is 50 days.
By the way, Avangard is one of the few banks inwhich a credit card with 20 years on the passport is a reality, not a fiction. Even with 19, to be precise. And no more documents are required - just a passport. Ideal for students, especially for those who are not studying in their hometown - there will definitely not be extra miles. By the way, if the client’s average monthly expenses amount to 20 tons, then in the future he will be able to issue a Priority Pass card.

"Credit Bank of Moscow"
This is another organization that gives potential customers the opportunity to get a credit card. 20 years is not a problem. After all, in the "ICB" the established minimum age is a majority. That is 18 years old.
The limit is 300 tons. P., maintenance costs 850 p / year. The interest rate varies from 24 to 33%. For registration of a single card from the ICD, you only need a passport. The application can be submitted via the Internet or at the bank office. By the way, the above mentioned limit is the minimum. A person can define it for himself. The “Classic” status is a limit of 300 tons. “Gold” - 500 m. P. A "Platinum" - 800 m. P. From the selected status will depend on the cost of annual service, as well as interest bonus accruals.
Also this credit card from 20 years without referencesgives its users other benefits. After the first purchase it is charged 250 points. Then they also accumulate. 100 rubles is 7 points. Savings can be spent on the purchase of air tickets or to pay for a reservation at the hotel.
The benefits are many. But for such a wide range of pleasant features you have to pay with your responsibility. One day of delay is 1% of the total debt.

Card from "Gazprombank"
This organization also makes interesting offers for young people. She has her own credit cards. For 20 years, banks are considered sufficient age for a person to use the services of a loan.
You will need not only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.A person who wants to get a credit card must already be a client of Gazprombank and receive a salary to the account established in this organization. Another person should not have overdue debts, if he previously took a loan.
There is a certain benefit in a credit card fromGazprombank. Its owner can participate in the bonus program of gas stations. Each 20 rubles spent is 8 points. Savings can be spent at Gazprom gas stations. And even there is a chance to arrange installments for anything. The interest rate of the credit card is 27.9% per annum, the price of annual service is 750 p. The limit is 200,000 rubles.

Sberbank: special conditions
Naturally, discussing such a topic, you can not forgetabout Sberbank credit cards. 20 years is not the minimum age for a potential client of this financial institution. You can apply to Sberbank at both 18 and 14. In the latter case, the minimum deposit is 1000 rubles. It can be replenished, and in any way. Money to shoot - too, but only in the office.
Более того, в «Сбербанке» можно даже взять кредит From the age of 18, if you already got a job. However, you still need a guarantor in the form of a parent or guardian, as well as their income statement (in addition to their).
How to get a credit card in Sberbank?
Despite the above loyal conditionsfor young people, the card can be obtained from 21 years. Credit, not debit. Favorable conditions - a little more than 60 rubles for the service per month. A grace period is 50 days.
The limit is from 15,000 rubles, the card is valid threeof the year, and it can be issued by students who are not even employed. In addition, for the withdrawal of funds and acquisitions on the card are bonuses that can pay for purchases, cafes, movie tickets, etc. Anyway, Sberbank, as the most reliable financial institution, offers the most favorable conditions and a lot of nice additions which, if desired, you can learn more.

Other options
В России есть ещё масса других финансовых institutions issuing credit cards to young people from 20 and even from 18 years. For example, the bank "Ak Bars". It offers a limit of 100,000 rubles, service for the year is 750 rubles, and the annual rate is 30.9%. Grace period - 56 days. The card is issued to all people who have reached the age of 18, when granting a passport (minimum age - 18 years).
There is also Sovcombank.There you can issue an instant card, which is called. The limit is very small - 30 000 rubles. The interest rate is 29.9% per annum, and the minimum age of the client should be 20 years (guys). Girls can use this service from the age of 18. Issue a card on the day of treatment, that is, immediately. No documents are needed - just a passport. And still need to be spelled out in the region where the bank branch is located.
More good conditions are offered by Metrobank.His youth credit card;) is issued to all people aged 18 years. Only they need to provide two effective documents. For example, a civilian passport and driver's license, or "abroad." Guys are required to show a military card or registration. The limit is 500 000 r, maintenance is free. The interest rate is surprisingly small - 14-20% per annum. A grace period is 50 days.
As you can see, the loan offers for young people, even those who do not work, are numerous. And those listed above are far from their entire list.