/ / Several ways to transfer money from Tele2 to Sberbank card

Several ways to transfer money from "Tele2" to a card of Sberbank

Современный мобильный телефон уже давно является not just a device for calling and sending SMS. Today, gadgets play the role of a handheld computer, and even a means of payment. Not so long ago, with the help of a mobile phone, additional income became available. Every day there are all new applications that allow you to organize additional income in any free time, regardless of the location of the user. Earned money is enough not only for the use of mobile communication, but also for other needs. Therefore, users have become increasingly interested in how to withdraw the money? Today, almost all operators provide this service. This article will look at how to transfer money from Tele2 to a Sberbank card.

New service of the federal operator Tele2

Services in the field of financial payments has every official operator of our country.

transfer money from tele2 to Sberbank card

Thanks to the “Money Transfer” option, each subscriber can transfer money from Tele2 to the Sberbank card. In addition, the service includes the following operations:

  • transfer of money to a bank account;
  • transfer of funds to plastic cards of any bank;
  • payment services of the Russian Post;
  • making money transfers to the systems Contact, Unistream, Leader, Anelik and Close.

It is possible to translate Tele2 not only to Russia, but also to the countries of the former Soviet Union.

How to transfer money from Tele2 to the Sberbank card using the new option?

translation tele2

The service works in two ways. You can make transactions via the Internet and using SMS. It is worth noting that there are special payments that are made only via SMS.

Withdrawing money online

In order to transfer money from Tele2 toSberbank card, you must log in to the official website of the operator. In the tab, choose what the transfer is made with, then click the label of the corresponding plastic card and fill in the proposed fields and forms. On the same page, you must specify the subscriber number from which the funds are debited.

There are no particular difficulties.Each field has a tooltip. At the end, the full amount written off will be indicated, including the commission. Additional information is located on the sides of the main field. The service site from Tele2 is located at www.money.tele2.ru. To fill the form, you need to use the tooltips.

withdraw money from tele2 to Sberbank card

Tele2 can also be translated by a direct link - card-transfer.tele2.ru. After you fill out the standard form:

  • phone number from which money will be debited;
  • amount of payment;
  • plastic card number (any payment systems are available: MasterCard and VISA; cards can be credit and debit).

In one of the fields, there is a commission for the service provided. After checking the correctness of the filled fields, click the appropriate button, and the money transfer will be sent.

Money transfer via SMS

In order to transfer money from Tele2 to a Sberbank card using short messages, you need to do one of the following actions:

  • send to number 159 a short message with the text: “card (space) 1234567812345678 (space) amount”;
  • execute USSD-command "* 159 * 1 * card_number * amount #";
  • send a message with the following content: “rek (space) amount (space) account number (space) of the recipient’s name (space) bank details” to number 159.

The amount in all cases is indicated without kopecks. SMS fee to number 159 is not charged.

Money transfer in the office of mobile operator

transfer money from tele2 to Sberbank card

This is an additional way.In the Tele2 office, a consultant should fill out a form in which you can enter your own data and the amount of the transfer. After processing the application, the money will be sent. The transaction will take no more than five business days.

Agreed limits and tariffs

All transfers from Tele2 to a bank accountthere are limitations. The minimum amount allowed per transaction is 50 rubles. The maximum transfer (within 24 hours) is 15,000 rubles. A day can make no more than ten translations. The mobile account must remain more than ten rubles after the operation, in order to avoid blocking the phone.

For the provision of this service, the operator chargesCommission. Usually it is 5.75%, plus forty rubles. That is, it is not profitable to transfer small amounts. The commission does not reduce the payment, but is calculated over it.

The rate of receipt of money on the account depends onselected shipping method. If the transfer is postal, the money will go to the bank not earlier than in four days, the maximum period will be eight days. The remaining translations can go two or three days, but usually come in a matter of minutes.

The operator warns that transfer money with"Tele2" on the Sberbank card can only be those that have been credited to the account. A variety of bonuses and other bonus points for transactions will not be available. You can find out the amount that Tele2 is ready to transfer from a certain number using the * 104 # command.

“Money Transfer” service is available to subscribersTele2 with prepaid billing and a SIM card use period of at least 60 days. Clients who pay bills after the fact cannot use this service.