Today, many banks offer profitable deposits,but most clearly stands out "Post Bank." This is a unique structure that unites the financial reliability of VTB Group and the comfort and territorial proximity of the offices of the "Post of Russia".
Customers are offered favorable conditions for
Deposits from "Post Bank"

Today many people care how reliableinvest even if the interest is profitable. "Mail Bank" offers not only interesting conditions, but also security. All means are insured, in accordance with Federal Law No. 177 of December 23, 2003.
Customers are offered 4 types of deposits:
"Seasonal" - advantageous offer until 30.06.2017!
"Capital", the rate at which will be the maximum;
"Profitable" with the ability to take monthly accrued interest;
"Accumulative", which can be regularly replenished at will.
In addition, funds can be stored in a special savings account, constantly receiving income.
“Seasonal”: advantageous offer until 30.06.2017!
Вклад «Сезонный» с основной ставкой 8,25% и a minimum amount of 50,000 rubles is an attractive offer that allows you to place money on the most favorable terms for 367 days. Funds are charged at the end of the specified period.
When opening a deposit, you can usesome benefits. So, for pensioners or when opening via Internet banking, another 0.25% is added to the basic rate - the rate becomes 8.5%. Also 0.25% per annum is additionally charged on the amount of money transfer between banks.
It is possible to place money on attractive terms only until June 30, 2017.
"Capital": profitable and convenient
This type of contribution involves the accrualThe highest possible rate is 8.5%. The amount of the deposit can be from 50 thousand rubles, the money can be placed for six months or a year. When opening a deposit, the client is offered free registration of a Visa Classic card and a Savings Account. In addition, there are a number of special offers, for example, by filling out an application on the Mail Bank website, you can additionally receive 0.25% of the proposed rate.
The deposit accrued interest is paidonly at the end of the term, while the rate depends on the amount on the account and the term. The maximum percentage is charged for deposits from 1,500,000 rubles, provided that the maximum annual period is reached; in other cases, the rate will vary from 7.5% to 8%.
"Profitable" with a monthly payment
Это весьма удобный продукт с процентной ставкой up to 8% and monthly payments of accrued funds. The minimum deposit amount may be from 500,000 rubles, the placement period is a year. Clients are offered to open a savings account, receive a VISA card, increase the rate by 0.25% when submitting an application online - through the Mail Bank website.
Размер процентной ставки зависит от суммы по 7.75% is offered for the contribution of 500,000-1,500,000 rubles, for the amount exceeding one and a half million - 8% For pensioners there is a special “Pension” rate, which allows you to receive an additional 0.25% of the total annual rate.
"Accumulative": fast, convenient, replenished
Этот вид вклада по праву считается одним из самых comfortable. The minimum deposit amount is only 5 thousand rubles, the rate is up to 7.75%, and the account can be replenished at any time. Interest is paid every quarter, with early closure of the accrual is not lost. Customers are offered interest capitalization, with an online application, you can additionally receive 0.25% of the already existing rate.
The rate itself depends on exactly what amount is in the account.:
7.25-7.45%, if there are funds in the account in the amount of 5 thousand-500 thousand rubles;
7.5-7.71%, if the size of the deposit is from 500 thousand rubles. up to 1.5 million rubles;
7.75-7.98% for the amount exceeding 1.5 million rubles. (The maximum amount may be 100 million).
When opening deposits customers are invitedSpecial Savings Account with 7% per annum. When the amount of 100 thousand interest is paid on a monthly basis, the condition of capitalization is also fulfilled on the accrual. When withdrawing funds, all percentages are saved, to open an account, you just need to notify the bank employee.