/ / "Under the finish" and "turnkey" - what does it mean?

"Under the finish" and "turnkey" - what does it mean?

Every day in Russia in different cities growsmany new houses. New buildings are more popular than secondary housing - they are larger in area and have a non-classical layout. Which apartment to choose: "without finishing" or "turnkey". And in general, "turnkey", what does it mean?

Let's consider more

All properties sold by the developerdivided into completed "under the finish" and "turnkey". The first option is said when the apartment has windows and an entrance door. There is no plumbing, interroom partitions, and sometimes wiring. In the category of houses "under the finish" are the houses, in which the walls are plastered, the bathroom is partially equipped, there is electrical wiring, all communications are available. Future tenants need only choose what to put on the walls (wallpaper or paint) and lay the floor covering.

turnkey what does it mean

Another thing the apartment "turnkey" - which means,tenants only need to bring furniture, arrange it in an apartment and live. All the necessary works have already been completed: the apartment has interior partitions, walls and floors are finished, plumbing is installed. This is an inexpensive repair, but quite decent. In apartments "on a turn-key basis", as a rule, people with an average level of the income live.

Sometimes the finishers at the request of the tenants add something to the finish "turnkey". What does it mean, for example, to install a fire alarm.

Finishing the apartment consists of two steps:

1.In the company that will deal with the creation of the interior, the designer's services are often offered. The client expresses his wishes, and the designer combines them with the building rules and norms. Finishing materials are discussed, then the project "turnkey" appears in a visual form on the computer screen, in 3D.

2. The second step is the competent budgeting.It includes all services, supplies, their quantity and price. As an appendix to the estimate, a work schedule is attached. For each room is a separate estimate.

Understood with the concept of "turnkey" (which means for apartments), you can go to other types of buildings built with the use of this term.

What repairs will be carried out?

Before taking on the finish, you need to decide what kind of repairs will be performed: cosmetic or capital repairs.

Cosmetic repair means internalrenovation of the appearance of the apartment. This is painting or pasting wall paper, variations with the ceiling (paint or make tension), the choice of flooring (linoleum, laminate, parquet). If overhaul was recently, cosmetic is done to refresh the interior.

Major repairs include replacementplumbing pipes and equipment, electrical wiring, radiators. The surface of the walls, the floor and the ceiling are leveled, the interior doors are dismantled, the living quarters are sometimes redesigned.

Turn-key constructions are still there?

A lot of companies offer their services in the construction of a turnkey bath. This, first of all, is interesting for people who do not have the time, energy and desire to build it yourself.

Specialists in the company help determine theproject or develop it according to the individual preferences of the client. Workers will build a bathhouse at a convenient time for the client. From the person wishing to build a bath it will only be necessary to clear a place for building a future bath "on a turn-key basis" and to provide transportation of the car with building materials.

turnkey baths

The construction team, having received the order, supplies it with the necessary building materials (profiled beam, furnace, boards, pipes, windows, minvata). The machine delivers materials, construction begins.

In addition to bathhouses, construction of houses andcottages "on a turn-key basis". Construction of such large objects begins with excavation, then the foundation is poured, the walls of the house are erected, the roof is laid. After all necessary communications are made, internal and external furnish is made. Finishes the construction work decorative finishing.

turn-key project

Turnkey construction suggests thatThe erected building will meet all the requirements necessary for human habitation. It will install plumbing equipment, engineering networks and other communications are laid.

Cost of construction

The construction of "turn-key" prices is different. For example, when building a bath under an individual order, the cost will be higher than a bath built on a standard project.

For the construction of a turnkey house, specialized companies will calculate the exact estimated cost of the complete erection of the building. Of course, in the process of building a house the amount can vary.

turnkey construction of prices

Summarizing the above, everyone will choose,that it is more favorable to him: "on a turn-key basis" or "under furnish". For example, it will be difficult for older people to do any kind of repair on their own "turnkey", which means they will acquire an apartment already ready for life. After the repair with their own hands only at first glance seems easier than buying a finished apartment. In practice, often many things are not taken into account, and the upcoming repair, in most cases, is more expensive.