Тем, кто не знает, как положить деньги на карту в If necessary, it will be a joy to know that there are several ways to do this. The first is a visit to a bank branch (or rather, its cash center), the second is the use of a special ATM (ATM) or terminal, the third is the transfer of funds from one account to another.

Let's look at how to put money on the card.Sberbank through an ATM in more detail. Why precisely Sber? Because it has one of the widest ATM networks. In addition, the procedure for dealing with ATMs of other banks is not very different.

Alternatively, you can use the terminal toreplenishment. It takes less time, but will cost the n-th sum of money, which is charged in the form of a commission: 1-3% of the amount contributed. You will need to know the card number - 16 digits printed on its front side. Do not forget: according to the provisions of domestic legislation, the amount of one replenishment through the terminal can not exceed 15 thousand rubles.

Now you know exactly how to put money on the card. As you can see, two of the three methods listed do not require the presence of its owner in the bank, which is certainly very convenient.
But if you are not quite aware of how to putmoney on the phone through the savings bank card quickly and without problems, then you need to contact the nearest branch. Do not worry: every time you come here to throw money on the phone, do not have to. During this first (and hopefully the only) visit, you should activate the auto payment service. Very handy thing. If only because the flow of funds to the mobile account will be carried out either once a month, or on the basis of its direct balance. Here you can see for yourself how it will be more convenient for you.