Today we have to find out what isrepresents Renessans insurance. What is this organization? What services does it offer? Are they satisfied with their customers? It is not so difficult to understand all this as it seems. It is enough to carefully study the services of a corporation, as well as pay attention to numerous reviews. Often it is clients who can point out the pros and cons of firms that no one informs in advance.

Description of activity
The Renaissance Insurance Group is an organization that offers insurance services for the population and property. The most common insurance company, which in Russia and so many.
The organization is distributed throughout the country.The range of services is varied, but it differs little from the standard offers of insurance companies. This should be remembered. What exactly allows you to insure Renessans insurance? To what extent is the organization conscientious? Are customers satisfied with it?
Many trust this company.And all this is due to the fact that the firm, as already mentioned, is distributed throughout the country. "Renaissance Insurance" has offices in Russia is not in small quantities. Almost every village has at least one branch of the organization.

The head office is located in the Russian capital, inMoscow. More precisely, on the embankment Derbenevskaya, house 7, building 22. This office is called central. Also in the capital there are other branches of the organization. There are many of them. However, as in other cities.
"Renaissance Insurance" offices, as it was alreadysaid, has in large quantities. It is recommended that you find out the exact addresses on the official website of the corporation. It is there that you can see all the branches of the insurance company together with contacts for communication and a mode of operation. Very comfortably! Customers are satisfied with this feature.
The services
What services does the company offer? It has already been said that it serves as an organization that prepares various insurance. And if more specifically, what services can be allocated?
To date, Renaissance Insurance Group offers:
- life insurance;
- LCA;
- insurance when going abroad;
- children's insurance;
- CASCO policies;
- mortgage and housing insurance;
- insurance dachas.
Nothing surprising or suspicious. The usual list of services of the insurance company. The VHI program (for children in advantage), as well as CASCO and OSAGO, is in demand.

Office work
What feedback does this organization receive? Should I apply for insurance in Renessans? What do customers think about this organization?
The opinions of clients are generally ambiguous.The thing is that some people complain about the work of the offices. More precisely, the fact that some of the branches refuse to provide certain services. For example, to acquire CTP.
This phenomenon - the norm.Official representatives of the organization often comment on such situations and are asked to indicate the addresses addressed by clients. In most cases it turns out that this or that branch simply does not render the necessary services. For example, it is required to prolong compulsory motor TPL insurance, and the client applies to the sales department, which registers only the insurance of the population.
It is recommended to simply pay attention to the office in which it is accessed. Otherwise, there are no significant complaints. Unless in some branches of the organization queues are built.

What else can you hear about Renaissance Insurance?OSAGO and CASCO in this corporation are issued quite often. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the reviews about the company are left ambiguous. There are some good and some not.
Some complain that getting insuranceon acquired policies is impossible. Or we have to try hard to achieve justice. Some cases are not insurance, but they are mostly not warned.
Despite this negative, positive opinionsall the same more. "Renaissance Insurance" OSAGO and CASCO offers on favorable terms. Car repair is carried out quickly, without much difficulty and some negative moments.
So what to believe?To a greater extent, the second category of opinions. The thing is that the problems with payments arise from those who inattentively read the concluded contract. It prescribes all insurance and non-insured events. If you are attentive, there will be no significant complaints regarding OSAGO or CASCO.

Online policy
"Renaissance Insurance" reviews gets varied. Not the best opinions are left for the formulation of policies online. What do customers pay attention to?
First, the organization's website will have to register. Some people do not like this process. It is necessary to indicate the region of residence.
Second, some indicate thatRenessans insurance does not indicate on the official website any restrictions on the manufacture of OSAGO electronically. The impossibility of the order will be revealed only after sending the relevant application for further processing. The client will be called from the head office and either will notify the date of delivery of the policy or they will say that in this or that city it is impossible to make the registration electronically.
All this upsets customers.The official website of the organization does not specify any restrictions. Because of this, some suspect the company of bad faith. Rather, it's just a flaw, which they try to eliminate.
About payments
"Renaissance Insurance" (Moscow or any other city - it's not so important) earns ambiguous views on the company's payments. What do customers say?
There are those who complain of failure to provideinsurance, there are people indicating a certain delay in payments. Nevertheless, money is still paid. There are also many thanks to the company. In any case, no one will deceive customers. And if according to the terms of the contract the payments are made, they will still reach the payee. Even if with some delays.

Renessans insurance - large insurancea company that offers a variety of insurance services. Customers are mostly satisfied with the work of the company. There are drawbacks to it, but they are not too significant.
"Renaissance" is not scammers.Before signing the contract, it is necessary to carefully study the signed document, so that there are no unpleasant surprises afterwards. According to the reliability rating, the company has succeeded. It has an exponent equal to A +. This is "high confidence".
You can not be afraid that Renessans insurancesuddenly close. This company has been working in Russia for a long time. You can consider this company for obtaining insurance services. In particular, life or vehicles.