Each investor wants to know where to invest with maximum profit. One such instrument is Mutual Investment Funds, abbreviated as Mutual Funds.

What is mutual investment funds
The mutual fund is, a kind of cash office of common money, consisting of shares (units) of investors without involvement of legal entities and banking organizations.

A good example
For a better understanding, we simulate the situation: in the cooperative garden, an apple tree is sold, which in a year will bear fruit.

Mutual Funds, the yield rating of which can varyevery day, are arranged in the same way. The management company attracts clients' money and forms shares from them. It does not mean anything if the name of the fund is associated with any bank, for example Sibbank's mutual funds are profitability, the rating is not guaranteed by PJSC "Sberbank".
An investor can also lose his money,despite the fact that the management company is really connected with it, unlike a bank deposit, the profitability of which is guaranteed both by the bank itself and the insurance company, as all the population's deposits are insured for unforeseen situations
The first Mutual Funds
The first such financial instruments appeared in the United States in 1924.

Development of mutual funds
The boom in mutual funds came in the early 1950s. At that time, the US population was "ripe" for understanding such financial instruments.

In domestic markets, mutual funds began to appear in the mid-1990s.
Today in Russia the most stable company, which shows a positive dynamics of growth in the income of shareholders from year to year, is "Sberbank. Trust Investment Company ".
Types of mutual funds
Next, we list the types of mutual funds.

- Bonded bonds.The method of investing in bonds is considered the least risky, but the yield on them is lower than that of other types. It is believed that such a tool is needed to save capital without the threat of loss.
- Promotional. With the money of shareholders, shares of various companies are purchased, on the course of which both profits and losses depend.
- Mixed. An original golden mean in the investment strategy.
- Venture.Investors invest in securities purchases of companies that enter the market with various innovative products. More than half of them are unprofitable, but one successful transaction is enough, and all losses are compensated, and the profit will increase.
- Mortgage. Invest in the money of shareholders in residential or commercial real estate.
- Hedge. The most risky, but at the same time, the most profitable funds. The trust company monitors the market fluctuations, and adjusts to them, thereby playing on a decline, or growth.
SIFs of Sberbank: profitability. «Consumer sector»
Now, more details about one of the investment products from Sberbank - the mutual fund "Consumer sector". Its advantages:
- Minimal risks.
- The possibility of a deposit of 15 thousand rubles.
- Simultaneously, you can invest in several mutual funds.
To date, the most successful mutual funds "Sberbank" (profitability) - "Consumer Sector". Reviews among investors, of course, are contradictory.

Despite the fact that this is a financial"Sberbank", guarantees for the preservation of money and, moreover, for the income it will not give. Mutual funds from the largest Russian bank to date, although they are among the most stable, but any day can also be ruined. Investors in this case will not receive insurance payments, since such instruments do not fall under the Law on compulsory insurance of deposits.
We hope that it is now clear what SIFs are of Sberbank. The yield on them can be from the negative balance to 30-50% per annum. This is much higher than deposits.
As a rule, they have limited mutual funds of "Sberbank"profitability. This is understandable: the company "Sberbank. Asset management "tries to invest only in proven assets with a view to minimizing possible losses. For example, such a unit investment fund as "Ilya Muromets" has a profitability of 3% for only 14% per annum. Hence the negative feedback from start-up investors, which can be understood: even for a normal bank deposit without risks, with a deposit insurance program (remember, mutual funds do not fall under it) for more than 3 years you can get more profit.
There is a possibility that in a few years the shareholder may even lose money from the initial deposit.
Therefore, it is necessary to think everything over before deciding whether to invest in such a financial instrument.
Analytics of the Consumer Sector
UIF "Consumer Sector" holds for todayone of the leading positions on profitability for 3 years at "Sberbank" - the profit was more than 130 percent. Compare, for example, with a bank deposit of 5-6%. Hence the conclusion - mutual funds can bring a significant profit, compared with conventional bank deposits.
But why this fund is the leader?It's all about the investment strategy: the UIF sends funds to the shares of Russian companies that produce consumer goods for internal use. Basically, these are three groups:
- Manufacturers of consumer products.
- Banking sphere.
- Telecommunications.
In the face of economic sanctions and counter-as well as crisis, this strategy is the most successful. But everything can change when the market starts to grow in other areas. Therefore, the investor needs to not simply analyze the profitability for previous years, but also to delve into the economic situation in the country and the world.