Брокерская компания - это организация, которая provides intermediary services in the market. Such firms can be found in different highly specialized areas. For example, in stock trading, insurance, shipping and so on.

Intermediaries in the stock market
Биржевая брокерская компания - это professional trader. This firm makes deals at the expense and on behalf of the client who hired her. As a customer can act as a private investor, and a large organization or fund. The benefit that customers receive is that investors who do not have the necessary permits participate in the bidding. Technical assistance to the client is provided by the brokerage company. This, among other things, allows the investor to keep abreast of the latest news, to know the nuances of the current market situation. The mediator thus helps the client to make profitable transactions.
Insurance and leasing
Mediation functions in these areasactivities can be combined, as the tasks that are solved in them are similar. In this case, the goal pursued by the brokerage company is to ensure the contact of the insurance or leasing services provider with the client. In some cases, the mediator receives a discount from the organizations. This, in turn, allows him to make more lucrative offers to customers than if they had applied directly to a leasing or insurance company.

Customs Area
Registration of transported goods requiresspecific knowledge of established procedures and regulations. In addition, customs clearance involves interaction with the bureaucratic state apparatus. This work requires, in turn, a special approach. In this regard, the procedure of clearance of cargo often trust professionals - customs brokers. The recipient of values in this case only need to present a package of documents. The organization will undertake the rest of the work on cargo clearance.
How to choose a mediator?
There are a great many on the market today.deals. Existing high demand creates adequate supply. Consequently, the market there are a variety of brokerage companies. Feedback on intermediaries is one of the key selection criteria. It is desirable, of course, that the opinion was from real, and best of all, familiar people, business partners. An important point is the period during which brokerage companies operate. Rating of intermediaries operating in the market, as a rule, contains the main technical and financial indicators of the organization. These include, in particular, access to analytics and the amount of commission. In margin trading, the key parameters, on the basis of which the client makes a decision on cooperation with the broker, are the minimum deposit and leverage. Undoubtedly, the organization providing the services of an intermediary must have a license.

Work specifics
Перед тем как совершить те или иные операции с Asset, the brokerage company performs its own analysis of the military, political, economic situation in the state. The organization studies the tax policy, finds out what is the attitude towards investors in the country. Brokers accept applications in electronic and paper form. Telephone calls are also available (calls are recorded, as a rule). A necessary condition for cooperation is an agreement with a broker. It is either in electronic or paper form. The document must clearly state the terms of cooperation. In particular, it indicates the platform on which the trades will be conducted, the procedure and time limits for transferring money to the client, the form of the report, and so on.
Cost of services
It is set by the brokerage companies themselves.Price may be different. The task of any intermediary is to provide customers of all levels with access to world markets, high-quality service and trading services in accordance with existing technologies and leading economic trends. Accordingly, the price of the work of the intermediary is set depending on the number of its proposals, the quality of work.

Domestic brokerage companies
St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), as well as the capital of the country,It is considered a major financial center. In these cities, many well-known intermediary organizations have emerged and are successfully operating. The best and most reliable brokerage companies in Russia are as follows:
- "Opening".
- "Bks".
- Sberbank.
- "VTB 24".
- "Alfa Bank".
- "Aichi Invest".
Separately, the following St. Petersburg brokerage companies should be noted:
- "Infull".
- "Business Broker".
- ViTradeGarant.
- "Alphavil".
- Versailles Finance.
Brokerage companies in Moscow:
- IFC "Finprogress".
- "Credit Consulting Brokerage".
- STForex.
- Financial Solutions Agency "Financial Broker".
Comparison criteria
Existing brokerage companies can be compared in the following ways:
- Year of foundation.
- Reliability rating.
- Sales turnover for all customers of the organization. This criterion allows you to determine the place that the company actually occupies in the investment field.
- The degree of development of the regional network.
- The level of information support (providesif the company has training courses, is there a daily analyst, a personal consultant, are online quotes visible, is there a possibility to register a demo account).
- The amount of overhead. In particular, the commission is charged for intermediary services, the percentage for crediting and withdrawing funds, the price of depository services, the cost of software.
The most important point is the last. Often it is the amount of overhead that determines the choice of a broker.

Its indicators can be considered on the basis of data from the main rating agency of the Russian Federation, the NRA. The highest reliability is defined as AAA, the next level is AA +, then AA:
- FINAM. Founded in 1994, AA + rating. The main activities are investment and intermediary.
- "Opening". The company has been operating since 1995, AAA rating. Financial organization offers intermediary, insurance, banking services, as well as money management.
- "Bks". The company was founded in 1995, its rating is AAA. Basic services - mediation and investment.
- Ayti Invest has been operating since 2000. Rating this company AA +. The main activities are intermediary and investment services.
The above companies are mainlyare brokerage. For them, mediation is the main activity. A number of banks operate in Russia, which also provide brokerage services. This business for them acts as a companion. There is an opinion that companies that provide brokerage services directly work better, because this is their main activity. However, this is not quite true. In practice, the bank has a fee for intermediary services much lower than that of brokers. This is explained by the fact that they do not need to finance additional offices and train employees to operate in the market. This can be done by existing bank employees. Specialized investment companies need to spend on this money - part of their direct income. Therefore, their commission is higher than that of the bank.
Characteristics of banks providing brokerage services
One of the famous organizations is Sberbank.He works since 1841. His rating is AAA. The main business is banking. Sberbank has been providing brokerage services since 1994. "VTB24" works since 2000. His rating is AAA. Since 1995, the "Promsvyazbank". Its reliability is AA +. In 1990, Alfa Bank appeared. Brokerage services were introduced in 1995. Its reliability is AAA. Many investors prefer bank organizations. However, there are those who apply directly to specialized brokerage companies.