/ How to cook a delicious jam from a plum yellow?

How to cook a delicious jam from a plum yellow?

jam from plum yellow
Home billets are always tastier than storeanalogues. Especially when they are made by you, you can be sure that your home eat only natural products without any synthetic additives and preservatives. Today we will tell you how to make jam from yellow plum - bright and tasty, it will perfectly suit tea or it will be a filling for open pies, rolls or biscuits like "Vienna". Use one of the following recipes.

Jam from yellow plum

For 1 kg of fruit you will need:

  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 2.5 glasses of water.

Thoroughly rinse the fruit, divide into halvesand remove the stone. Put the fruit in a saucepan and add sugar syrup, prepared from the specified amount of water and granulated sugar. Leave to stand for 1 day. After 24 hours, drain the resulting juice, boil it for 5 minutes and pour in the plums. Allow to stand still one day. And after this, put the pan and half of the fruit on the stove, let it puff for 10 minutes, everything - the jam from the plum yellow is ready. It can be decomposed into sterilized cans, cooled and rolled up with lids. To store sweet canned food is best in a dark, damp place.

Jam with plums

jam-free jam jam
As they say, there are no comrades for taste and color, that's why someone prefers jam without pits, and someone, on the contrary, with them. For the latter, we picked up this recipe. You will need:

  • 1 kilogram of yellow plums and sugar;
  • 1 cup of plain water.

Rinse the plums well, remove the tails andleaflets. Cook the sugar syrup - for this in a glass of water, dissolve a kilogram of sugar, let the liquid simmer a little, and then lay out the plums. Stirring, on medium heat, prepare the jam from the plum in the yellow quarter of an hour, periodically removing the foam from the surface. Cool the contents of the pan, and after boiling it a few more times for 15 minutes. Finish - the jam can be spread over sterilized jars, rolled up and sent for long storage.

 jam with plums

Jam from pitted plums in a bread maker

This unusual method can be used by those,who does not want to trouble himself with excessive chores in the kitchen. And if in the winter you have a bag of frozen yellow plums, then boiling the jam in a breadmaker is an opportunity to cook a delicious treat to a sweet table without any effort. You will need:

  • half a kilo of yellow plum, fresh or frozen, pitted;
  • 300 g of granulated sugar;
  • a tablespoon of plain water;
  • a little lemon juice or a couple of crystals of citric acid.

Fold the fruit in the bread maker bucket, pour itsugar, add a spoonful of water and pour lemon juice. After choose mode like "Jam", "Jam" or "Jam", which is present in most models. Expose it, and in due time you will get fragrant plum jam. At first, being hot, it is liquid, and then, cooling down, it thickens. Just like that. Now you know three simple ways of making fragrant homemade plum jam - please yourself and your family with sweet preparations that are so nice to eat while drinking tea on cold winter evenings.