Meat, baked in batter, turns out juicy anddelicious. Thanks to the shell it retains all its juices and flavors. And if you add some spices and seasonings, you can get an original dish. Chickens in batter - this is a quick dish, which will perfectly go both for a quiet dinner with the family, and for a festive feast.
Usually chicken fillet is used for cooking.It is convenient to fry, and most importantly to eat. In order to cook chickens in batter, you need to prepare fillets. You can take it ready, but you can separate the meat from the bones. The first option is much preferable. Chicken fillet, about 500 grams, cut into medium portioned pieces. Then it should be slightly marinated. To do this, you need soy sauce, pepper, salt and any condiments. All this is added to the chicken fillet and set aside for 2 hours.
At this time we are preparing the dessert.Take 200 grams of hard cheese and rub it on a grater. Add to it 100 grams of mayonnaise, three eggs and stir. Then pour the flour. As a result, you should get a mixture that looks like a dough for pancakes. Salt and seasonings are added to taste.
Next, each piece of fillet is dipped incooked claret and put on a heated frying pan with added vegetable oil. Fry medallions around for 7 minutes on both sides, until the golden crust. The hen in the batter is ready. It remains only to decorate it with different greens and serve to the table.
You can cook without cheese.To do this, cut the chicken fillet into portions. Then sprinkle it with any seasonings, pepper and salt. Pour a little flour into the bowl, and in the other a little breadcrumbs. Separately break the eggs and lightly beat them. We heat the frying pan and pour a little oil. We dip the breasts into the flour, then into the egg and finally into the bread crumbs. Fry them in a frying pan on each side. We serve with any garnish and vegetables.
The following recipe is more original, but notcomplicated. Chickens in batter become an unusual taste, thanks to the addition of some ingredients. For this dish, you need about one kilogram of chicken fillet. We cut it into medium portioned pieces. For batter, take half a glass of any mineral water, corn starch (4 tablespoons), two egg whites, two tablespoons of flour and salt to taste. All is very well mixed to get a homogeneous mixture. We lower the chicken fillet into the batter and leave it for 30-40 minutes. Further it is necessary to warm up the frying pan and fry the fillet on both sides until a ruddy crust appears.
Now you need to cook the sauce.A few cloves of garlic are passed through a special press, and ginger is finely three on a grater. Lightly fry all this on a small amount of sesame oil for about a minute. Add 3 tablespoons of honey and about half a glass of water, a teaspoon of wine vinegar, and mix everything thoroughly. Then add one teaspoon of starch, dissolved in water, and simmer the sauce over low heat. Chickens in batter are put in sauce and served on the table, sprinkled with sesame seeds. As a side dish to this dish, rice is perfect.
You can use not only chicken meat, but alsoliver. To do this, it is cut into small pieces and lightly beaten. Then salt and sprinkle with any pepper. Next, cook the claret. Mix the eggs, milk and flour, to get a not very liquid consistency. Next, dip each piece of liver into the batter and fry in a heated frying pan. Chicken liver in batter is ready. Serve it with potatoes, rice or vegetables, decorating with greens.
When cooking batter, you can use anybeer. Then it turns out more airy and gentle. To fry pieces of meat in batter should be in a well-heated frying pan, to get a good crust, and all the juices remained inside. The best option is to use a deep fryer.