Shiitake mushrooms, recipes of which are notso long ago appeared in our culinary books and on the Internet, deserve attention due to their high nutritional value and the content of a huge amount of nutrients. In addition to their nutritional qualities, they also have medicinal properties that have long been appreciated by specialists in oriental medicine.
Shiitake mushrooms, recipes of whichnow available to everyone, give our body such nutrients as protein, fiber, vegetable fat, B1 vitamins, vitamins D and PP, trace elements.
Many mistresses are wondering what it is likemushrooms shiitake, how to cook this exotic and with what it is eaten. About this delicious mushroom until recently, almost none of the residents of the CIS countries did not even hear. Namely these shiitake mushrooms, the recipes of which gradually began to reach us, were a real decoration of the table of the Chinese Imperial Palace.
These mushrooms are very tasty in a salty form.For their preparation, the mushrooms are boiled in a 5% salt solution, which is prepared from 50 g of salt and 1 liter of water. They need to be cooked, often stirring, until the shiitake falls to the very bottom of the pan. Usually this process takes no more than 20 minutes. The mushroom broth should become absolutely transparent.
Shiitake mushrooms, the preparation of which is pretty(3 pcs.), dill (5 g), laurel leaf (2 pcs.), black pepper (3 peas), cherry leaf (5 pcs). All these ingredients are evenly placed in pre-prepared glass jars. The boiled shiitake is thrown into a colander. Chilled mushrooms are laid out on cans. Add the mushroom broth. It should be approximately 25% of the volume of fungi. Banks are closed with lids and placed in a refrigerator. Such mushrooms are ready in a month. They should not be stored for long, as they can peroxidise.
Shiitake mushrooms, recipes of which usevery diverse and unusual, can be prepared in the form of delicious chips. To do this, large, fresh mushrooms are cut into thin plates, poured with salt and pepper. Each lobule is dropped into the batter and fried in hot vegetable oil until an appetizing crust is obtained. Clay is prepared from 1 egg, a small amount of flour and 100 ml of water.
These mushrooms are great for making soups. For them, you can use shiitake in any form, but dry before cooking soak for several hours.
Very tasty shiitake as a filling forpies and other dough products. So, you can make wonderful chebureks with a filling of these mushrooms. For this dish, you need 250 g of mushrooms (preferably fresh), 0.5 kg of wheat flour, 250 g of hard cheese, 50 g of butter, vegetable oil for roasting chebureks. Still need water (glass) and salt (0.5 tsp). The dough is kneaded as for ordinary chebureks. Mushrooms are crushed, cheese is rubbed on a grater. To the filling is added butter. From the dough and stuffing from cheese and mushrooms small chebureks are formed. They are fried in hot vegetable oil.
Shiitake mushrooms, the recipes of which can be listedfor a long time, great for ordinary and such a favorite frying. For this dish, you need 0.5 kg of fresh mushrooms, 2 onions, vegetable oil, pepper ground black, salt. You can fry as pre-cooked mushrooms, and fresh. Fried fresh mushrooms are more delicious and aromatic. In any case, the prepared mushrooms are fried in oil to the full preparedness, however, while the boiled mushrooms are added already to the fried onions, and the fresh ones are first roasted a little, after which the chopped onion is added and brought to full readiness. In this dish, some gourmets add a bit of ground nutmeg.