/ / Housekeepers note: how to sterilize jars of jam

Mistress note: how to sterilize jam jars

What is the essence of sterilization for food preparations onwinter? In order to destroy microbes and bacteria that can spoil the vegetable or fruit, canned meat and cause serious harm to our body. Under the influence of high temperatures, not only the microbes themselves, but also their spores die, and the storage container becomes perfectly clean, it is no longer dangerous to keep finished products in it for a long time (sometimes 2-3 years).

Sterilization rules

how to sterilize jars
In this article we will discuss how to sterilizejars for jam. However, the rules are universal and suitable for processing virtually any glass container. Only time will vary with volume. So:

  1. Прежде всего, банки должны быть совершенно clean. If you wash them using any means, rinse thoroughly. Well, if before you sterilize jars of jam, you rinse them with water, where add a little soda.
  2. For jam, jam, jam, usually take a half-liter container, seven-gram, liter. Banks for 500 g are processed 10 minutes, for 700 g - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes.
    how to sterilize glass jars
  3. There are many ways to sterilizejam jars. For example, like this: water is poured into the kettle, and when it boils, the lid is removed, a grate is put on the neck, a can is put neck down and steam is poured over the specified time. The finished container must be taken with a towel and put on another clean towel, bottom up. Then put another pot on boiling.
  4. Если у вас есть большая кастрюля, то банки put in it, cover with a lid and "cook" the required number of minutes. Or do it differently. To do this, make a lattice of the rails, set in a pan, not reaching the bottom. Pour water, but so that it does not reach the grill (at the same time, the liquid should be enough to boil). Insert the jar behind the jar with the neck down into the cells. Heat the water to boiling point. Keep it 20 minutes. During this time, the steam is well disinfect banks. Pull them out with special forceps to avoid getting burned.
    how to sterilize jars in a slow cooker
  5. Not a problem to master how to sterilize jars forjam, in the presence of an oven or autoclave, multicooker. When using the oven, the container is placed on a baking sheet: wet cans are neck up, dry - down. The process lasts from 10 to 15 minutes, the temperature is 120-145 degrees. Then the container is removed and covered with boiled lids.
  6. How to sterilize glass jars inmicrowave? There are some subtleties. Empty cans are not processed. But if you pour a little (grams 50) of water into each, put it boldly and sterilize for 3 minutes. Remove and cover with the same sterile cap.
  7. Finally, how to sterilize jars in a slow cooker?To do this, water is poured into the bowl, about 3 glasses. Then you need to insert a basket for steaming, and banks are already placed on it, with a hole down. Enable the mode "Steaming" (you can and "Baking"). It takes less time than usual for the entire process: 5 minutes for 500-gram jars and 8 minutes for 750-gram jars. For liter - 10 minutes. As for the covers, they can be processed together with the banks.

These are the preparations the hostess should makedoing home canning. As for the covers, the usual tin laid out on a flat surface with a rubber band up and poured boiling water. After 3-5 minutes, the water is drained, and the lids are attached to the banks.