Honey differs not only in its excellent tasteand smell, but also healing properties. It contains a lot of vitamins, important for the health of amino acids, minerals and enzymes. Often honey is recommended for use as a restorative. People who lead a healthy lifestyle and who follow their diet, necessarily include it in their diet. However, honey does not belong to dietary products, since it has a sufficiently high caloric content. The question of how many calories in honey, worries in the first place those who follow their figure. In moderate amounts, it will be useful to dieters and can be an excellent substitute for harmful sweets.

The composition and calorific value of honey
Honey contains vitamins of groups B, C and PP. It contains many enzymes, essential oils, acids and nitrogenous compounds. In total there are about 300 substances in honey.
Elite varieties contain about 33 differentmicroelements. More than 70% of the composition is fructose and glucose. The first component makes honey more smooth. While with an elevated glucose content, it begins to crystallize faster. The water in honey is 15-22%. Its quantity depends on the variety and maturity.
The taste of the product is created by the organic acids that make up its composition. These include:
- apple;
- dairy;
- lemon and others.
Honey contains about 20 amino acids and enzymes,including diastase, invertase and lipase. Per 100 grams of honey, on average, accounts for about 70% of fructose and glucose. Because of this, it is a very high-calorie product.
How many calories in honey?Depending on the variety, 100 grams can contain from 320 to 380 kilocalories. The most high-calorie are dark varieties, they can be up to 415 kcal. On average, honey, which can be purchased at the store, contains about 328 kcal.
The energy value of honey is comparable toenergy value of mutton, wheat bread and condensed milk. A healthy person is recommended to eat 2 tablespoons of honey a day. Children from three years old - no more than 1 teaspoon. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account how many calories are in a teaspoon of honey, if it is with a slide, the energy value may increase several times.

What determines the amount of calories in honey?
The number of calories in honey depends on a number offactors. First of all, it is influenced by the place of collecting honey and weather conditions. The climate and soil composition also affects how many calories are in honey.
Nutritional and energy value canvary even within the same variety. Weather and collection time greatly affect the quality. As a rule, the highest grades of honey have the least water in their composition. Therefore, they have the most carbohydrates.
How many calories in a spoon of honey?
In a teaspoon contains about 8 grams of honey.If you count the number of calories based on the average caloric content of the product, you get 26 kcal. In a tablespoon can hold 10 grams. This corresponds to 32 kcal. If the spoon is typed with a slide, it can fit up to 25 grams. Thus, in one tablespoon of honey can be up to 80 kcal.
Honeycomb honey a little more high in calories.Per 100 grams of this product accounts for about 82 grams of sugar. In addition, honeycombs are formed from wax, which is also easily absorbed by the body. How many calories in a tablespoon of honey from honeycombs? Approximately 35 kcal. Such a product can be eaten in small portions, drinking tea, or warm water. Also, do not forget that honey in honeycombs is primarily a natural product, the quality of which you can not worry about.

Medicinal properties of honey
Regardless of how many calories are in honey,It can improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is prescribed to people suffering from dysbiosis. It also helps to normalize sleep and prevents the development of sclerosis.
From honey bees get goodpainkiller, which also can significantly accelerate wound healing. It is used as a disinfectant and in the fight against inflammation. Patients with cataract honey is recommended to use to improve blood circulation. It is useful for people suffering from disorders of the nervous system and patients with anemia.
Since honey is well absorbed by the body, it is recommended for recovery after surgery and with a weakened immunity. It also has a good therapeutic effect in such diseases as:
- dystrophy;
- thrush;
- hepatitis;
- pneumonia;
- asthenia;
- cholecystitis;
- stomatitis.
Каждый знает, что мед особенно эффективен при sore throat and cough. With these symptoms, it is added to tea or warm milk. This drink can improve the condition of the mucous and facilitates the elimination of sputum from the lungs.
Honey with its adequate use will bringgreat health benefits. However, we must remember that it is contraindicated in case of allergies to bee stings and bee products. Even a single teaspoon of honey can provoke an allergic reaction.

Eating honey during the diet
Honey can completely replace sugar and becomeAn excellent choice for those who watch their figure and health. It is less high in calories and, moreover, does not contain sucrose, which is more difficult to digest by the body.
The beekeeping product is rich in carbohydrates whichnecessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism. Just a couple of spoons of honey and tea can provide the body with all the necessary macro elements and vitamins. You should not forget about its calorie content. Also, several tablespoons of honey per day are recommended to be used to improve immunity. This becomes especially important in the fall, during the period of epidemics.
Simple sugar is often called "empty"product. Unlike honey, it does not contain beneficial macronutrients and vitamins. Its frequent use can lead to increased cholesterol and obesity. Thus, it is a product harmful to health and a figure.

Now you know how many calories are in 1 teaspoon.a spoonful of honey, and how it is useful. You should choose only high-quality honey. Only a natural product is able to balance the processes in the body and improve health. On the market you can find a lot of artificial analogues made from starch and molasses, which have nothing to do with the natural product. They may not be useful and have a therapeutic effect.