/ / Cottage cheese mousse: description and rules of cooking

Curd mousse: description and rules for cooking

An original dessert called "mousse"invented the French. They also developed several interesting recipes and ways to prepare it. Curd mousse is one of the most popular versions of this delicacy. And besides the gentle and pleasant taste, it is also very useful.

A simple culinary secret

As you know, any mousse consists of three main components:

  1. Aromatic base (fruit, cocoa, mashed potatoes, wine and others).
  2. Fillers, giving the dish a sweet taste (sugar, honey, molasses).
  3. Food additive for fixing the foamy state of the mixture.

Творожный мусс в этом смысле не исключение.Whatever recipe is used to make it, all the listed ingredients are definitely there. It should be noted that the curd mousse can be made using different food fixers. There are only three of them:

  1. Agar.
  2. Egg white.
  3. Gelatin.

Depending on this, the way of manufacturing the product also changes. For example, there is a very simple option, when the curd mousse is created on the basis of agar.

curd mousse

The product can be easily and quickly made at home. For this you only need: 250 grams of cottage cheese, a pack (125 grams) of marshmallow and 150 grams of sour cream.

Preparing everything in a few tricks:

  1. First you need to beat the cream with a mixer so that it turns into a lush mixture.
  2. Grind marshmallows.
  3. Connect the components and turn them into a homogeneous mass using an immersion blender.
  4. The resulting product is well whipped with a mixer.
  5. Mixture to refrigerate for about 3-4 hours. And every hour you need to get it and re-beat.

After that, the finished product can be shifted into portion dishes and consumed at any time.

Dessert with coffee aroma

How else can you make curd mousse? Recipe with the addition of coffee is especially suitable for meeting guests.

cottage cheese mousse recipe

For its preparation will need the followingproducts: 250 grams of dry cottage cheese - 100 grams of sugar, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, 50 ml of coffee liqueur and milk, 2 egg whites and 2 teaspoons of instant coffee.

The cooking process is very simple:

  1. Curd cheese (if it is coarse-grained) is wiped through a sieve.
  2. Milk a little warm and dilute coffee in it.
  3. All products, with the exception of eggs, beat with a mixer.
  4. Separately, proteins turn into foam, and thengradually introduce them into the total mass. It is better to do this in small parts so that the mass does not begin to settle. The sharp combination of products can destroy the foam, which is highly undesirable.

Get a very fragrant curd mousse recipewhich is easy to remember. Gentle mass will only decompose into pialam and hold for 40 minutes in the refrigerator. After this dish can be decorated on your own.

Milk and dainty treat

Не менее вкусным получается творожный мусс с gelatin. For example, it is better to consider a recipe that uses the following ingredients: 400 grams of berries, half a kilogram of cottage cheese, 30 grams of gelatin, half a cup of brown sugar, 400 milliliters of cream and half a cup of water.

gelatin curd mousse

Such a dish is prepared as follows:

  1. First, cottage cheese must be wiped thoroughly through a sieve, and then pour it with a small amount of water.
  2. Part of the cream (100 milliliters) together with the sugar is heated and stirred until it dissolves. Add gelatin to the mixture.
  3. Cool the rest of the cream and then beat it well.
  4. Mixer process the curd, and then enter there the cream with gelatin.
  5. Add the whipped cream to the mass.
  6. Put fresh berries on the bottom of the mold, and then pour them with the prepared mixture. Semi-finished product put in the fridge at night.

The next morning you can get the product, shift it to a dish and serve it to the table, after cutting into portions.

Significant addition

Sometimes confectioners use cottage cheese mousse for the cake. As a vivid example, you can consider the option when the foamed product successfully completes the biscuit dessert version.

cheese mousse for cake

For cooking you need a lot of different ingredients.

For sponge cake: 3 eggs, 80 grams of flour, 4 tablespoons of sugar and 30 grams of starch.

For mousse: 0.5 kilograms of cottage cheese, 500 milliliters of cream, 2 eggs, 100 grams of sugar, 30 grams of gelatin and half a cup of boiled water.

For decoration: 1 mango, 2 kiwi, some sugar and fresh strawberries.

Cooking method:

  1. From the cooked products, knead the dough and bake a biscuit. Then cut it lengthwise and fluff them with fruit puree.
  2. Using standard technology to prepare the air mousse.
  3. Fruits cut into thin slices and spread them on the sponge cake.
  4. Top gently apply a layer of mousse, and then put the cake for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.

Before serving, it will only be to decorate the finished product. And for this you can use not only fruit, but also nuts, cocoa or chocolate.