/ / How much sugar in a glass is not a secret for a good housewife

How much sugar in a glass is not a secret for a good housewife

Careful housewives love to indulge their petsall sorts of delicious news. In any family, over the years, a certain set of dishes develops, which are usually cooked out of habit for breakfast, lunch or dinner. But how nice it is sometimes to bring something new to the table and see a grateful smile on the faces of their relatives.

how much sugar in the glass
A new recipe can easily be found on the Internet,read in a cookbook or borrow from a best friend. The list of necessary products is usually made in grams. But not every housewife in the kitchen has a scale with which you can measure the right amount. In such cases, standard measuring capacitances are used. As such a container can serve a glass, a teaspoonful or a tablespoon. After all, you will agree that it is much easier to measure a spoon of a product than even if you have a balance to try to weigh the right amount of the product. But not everyone knows, for example, how much sugar in a glass or how many grams of flour is contained in one teaspoonful. Conditional measures surround us at every step. In order to more easily navigate in them, the specialists came up with a table in which all the main food products are expressed in different sizes: glasses, spoons, grams and, if possible, in pieces. Such a table allows any recipe to be written down in unified quantities and it is easy to compile a list of necessary products.

Take, for example, sugar.In cooking, this product is used in the form of sand or powder. In the measures table, each of these positions is recorded separately. In practice, it looks like this. A recipe requires a glass of sugar. We know that it has a volume of 250 milliliters. And how much sugar in a glass is contained in grams? The table immediately shows that the sugar there is 200 grams. The mass is calculated based on the density of each substance. Everyone at school knows the expression: "Density is the mass per unit volume." Hence, if the volume of a substance is multiplied by its density, then one can obtain the required mass of matter. It's the same in the kitchen. In order to know how much sugar in the glass, you need to increase the volume of the glass by the density of sugar. The volume of a usual glass is known to us, and the density of sugar is equal to 800 kg / meter cube. There remained naked math: 250x800 / 1000 = 200 grams. The same is true for any other product. Sugar is a part of many dishes, so the question of how much sugar in a glass, often faces the housewives, especially beginners.

how many grams of sugar in a glass
But there is a situation when you know how muchgrams of sugar in a glass, and the glass is not at hand. How to be in this case? Here again the table of the transfer of quantities comes to the aid. It is known that one tablespoon of 25 grams of sugar, but we need 200 grams. How to be? Again, mathematics comes to the rescue: 200/25 = 8. Consequently, 200 grams of sugar can easily be measured, if you take 8 tablespoons of this product. In some culinary books you can find ready-made recounts for all known products. This greatly facilitates the work of the hostess in the kitchen. Such a table should be printed and hung in a prominent place.

how many grams of sugar in a faceted glass
Having carefully studied all the columns of this table, you cannote that the mass of products in it is indicated in two different glasses. Our domestic industry still produces both ordinary tea glasses and faceted ones. The faceted glass is a cylinder having a special rim in its upper part. Before this rim, the volume of the glass is 200 milliliters. Therefore, to find out how many grams of sugar in a faceted glass, you need to multiply the density of the product by the desired volume: 800x200 / 1000 = 160 grams. There are such glasses in every house and very often the housewives use them in order to measure the right amount of this or that product. The bezel on the glass does not allow you to make a mistake and allows you to take exactly the weight that is required by the recipe. Such culinary tricks every landlady should know.