Cheese soup with chicken is a wonderful dish, fromwhich will delight both adults and children, which sometimes it is very difficult to persuade to have lunch. That is why it is necessary to open the veil of the mystery of how to cook this culinary masterpiece.

Nourishing and useful
Before disclosing the secret of how to createsoup with cheese and chicken, it is worth mentioning that, unfortunately, it does not suit those who strictly count calories. After all, despite the fact that it contains many useful ingredients, it is still not suitable for dietary nutrition. But gourmets such a soup will please your taste.
So, let's get started.Based on the name of the dish, the first thing you need to stock up is cheese. Most recipes recommend using a fused version of it. In this form, he will quickly dissolve in the soup. However, boldly you can also use hard varieties, such as, for example, Parmesan. True, they should first be rubbed on a large grater.
You will also need vegetables: carrots, four small potatoes, a large onion and greens. And, of course, do not forget about the chicken fillet, as well as a cup of rice.
The soup of cheese and chicken is prepared by the followingway. Chicken fillet cut into small cubes, poured about two liters of water and sent to cook for a time sufficient to ensure that the meat was ready. Parallel to this process, potatoes are cut, on a medium grater, carrots are rubbed, and the onion finely shreds.

Once the fillet is cooked, it should be addedwell washed rice. They need to cook for another ten minutes. Then the potato is added to the chicken-rice mixture. They give proto all over for about seven minutes and fill with onions. Bring to a boil and fill with carrots. Leave to cook until the potatoes are ready and, as soon as the necessary condition is reached, add the cheese.
The constantly stirring soup is on the plate for another seven minutes, after which it is removed and seasoned with spices and herbs.
Such a different cheese soup with chicken
Photos of this first dish, presented inculinary collections, amaze with their diversity. The fact is that every cook has his own secrets of cooking. So, the cream cheese soup with chicken is very popular.
To prepare it you will need practically the same products as in the previous recipe, but they should be supplemented with the following ingredients: a glass of milk, butter, cream and egg.
The very process of creation is also different fromdescribed above. Thus, eight medium-sized potatoes and chicken fillet are individually boiled to the full. At the same time, on the creamy butter, the chopped onions and grated carrots are fried to the state of translucency.

Cheese soup with chicken can be prepared in many ways, and the presented two are just a starting point in experiments with this dish.