/ / How to cook potatoes baked in foil

How to cook potatoes baked in foil

Potatoes are one of the main products,which is included in the daily diet of almost every person. This is explained, for the most part, by the high versatility of this vegetable. After all, it can and fry, and cook, and soar both separately and with other ingredients. A large number of useful substances keeps the potatoes baked in foil.

This dish can be prepared in different ways.For example, one of the simplest recipes, which will result in potatoes that resemble baked on charcoal. To begin with it is necessary to select tubers, it is better to take them of average size, since too large can be badly baked, and too small can quickly burn. Potatoes are cleaned, washed, dried using a paper towel. Each tuber is rubbed with salt and pepper, wrapped in a piece of foil in such a way that it is wrapped completely. The oven is heated to the maximum temperature, a baking tray is placed on it, on which the potatoes are located. It should be said that the baking time can vary depending on the size of the vegetable, the characteristics of the oven and other reasons. Therefore, after 15-20 minutes, you should take the largest potatoes, slightly unbend the foil and look at its appearance. The prepared dish has a bright golden hue, pleasant to the eye. Also, the degree of readiness can be checked by puncturing the root crop with a sharp knife.

If you take the following recipe, potatoes,baked in a foil, will turn out fragrant and gentle, suitable as a garnish to practically any dish. It is better to take a young potato, the skin with which is not cleaned, but only slightly scraped. If the tubers are large, it is better to cut them into halves. Chopped garlic, dill, rosemary mix well, add to the potatoes together with the salt. Each piece is wrapped in foil, laid out on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 15 minutes. After this time, the foil can be removed and leave the dish for another 10 minutes to bake, so that a golden crust appears on top.

The following recipe, which is preparedpotatoes, baked in foil, can be served on the festive table, as it can become an independent snack. For example, for the next recipe you need hard cheese, slices of bacon, butter. Potatoes are washed, if necessary, peeled off (on a young vegetable you can only lightly scrape the shell with a stiff brush). In the middle of each tuber is cut a thickening about a centimeter. The potato is salted, peppered. A slice of bacon, a little butter, thinly sliced ​​cheese is put in the cut middle. Above, the dish is wrapped in foil, laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven to bake at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. When the dish is ready, it is released from the foil, topped with finely chopped greens.

Potatoes baked in foil can also beserved with cream sauce. To do this, well-washed potato tubers wrapped in foil (if it is thin, then it can be a double layer) and put in an oven, heated to an average temperature, for one hour. At this time, the sauce is being prepared. For him, take a thick cream, brought to a boil, they put spices, salt, chopped herbs. Everything is cooked on a small fire until thick. Once finished, the sauce is cooled. Baked potatoes are cut into two halves, in the middle is placed a teaspoon of creamy mixture. Such a sauce will work well if the potatoes are baked in a microwave oven. In this case, the vegetable itself will be cooked much faster, while if you lightly sprinkle it with vegetable oil, a beautiful golden color forms on top.

No matter how potatoes baked in foil are cooked, it will be a fragrant and delicious side dish on both the holiday and the everyday table.