/ / The simple answer to a good question is how much sugar is in a tablespoon?

A simple answer to a good question is how much sugar is in a tablespoon?

In the process of preparing new dishes eachthe hostess was faced with the difficulty of measuring the amount of certain products. Often, recipes provide only general information on the tab ingredients, omitting accurate measurements of products in grams, milliliters or kilograms. How much is a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of salt, a few drops of lemon juice? How much sugar is in a tablespoon? After all, in each kitchen glasses and spoons can vary greatly in size. And if so, then the result may not correspond to what the creators of the recipe had in mind. But a good culinary specialist always knows the equivalents of the measures of weights and volume of the most common products in the kitchen.

how much sugar in a tablespoon

How much sugar is in a tablespoon?

For example, in most recipes the amountsugar is indicated either in glasses or in teaspoons or tablespoons. But if everything is more or less clear with a glass (in most cases, a facet glass of 250 milliliters is meant), then there are certain difficulties with teaspoons and tablespoons. Usually they are of different sizes, and if one tablespoon of sugar (no matter how large it is) clearly does not harm and does not give a noticeable brute force, ten tablespoons, accumulating an error, can greatly change the taste of your dish. Therefore, the hostess, it is important to know how much sugar in a tablespoon. The answer is definitely there - 12 grams, no more, no less. This refers to white, regular granulated sugar. A tablespoon of brown sugar already contains 14 grams of the product, and the same amount of powdered sugar weighs 7.5 grams.

Why is it so important to know how to convert volume measures to weight measures and back?

Measures of weight is useful to know when cooking,recipes are taken from foreign websites. There it is often indicated the weight of the products (and not the volume). But knowing how many grams in one tablespoon of sugar, you put in the dish as much of the ingredient as necessary. For example, for cooking dumplings with cottage cheese, you need to measure 50 grams of sugar. Knowing how much sugar is in one tablespoon, you can easily add the right amount. It's simple: 50 grams is exactly 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, and so on. True, useful information?

how many grams in one tablespoon

How much sugar in a teaspoon?

Also in some recipes, mostly withthe preparation of various canned goods, salads or soups, sugar, it is advised to add teaspoons. Here it would be good to show apothecary accuracy. After all, sweet soup, salad or cucumbers from a jar is clearly not the national dishes of our cuisine, but nevertheless a small amount of sugar will help improve the taste of these dishes. To do this, you need to know how much sugar is in a teaspoon. And the answer is 4 grams, that is, exactly three times less than the amount that a tablespoon contains. Recall that refers to the usual white granulated sugar.

how much sugar in a teaspoon

How many calories are in sugar?

For those who diet and scrupulouslycounting calories, this information is also important. If you do not deny yourself sweet tea and, for example, put 2 teaspoons of sugar, that is 8 grams, on a mug, then knowing that each gram of sugar contains 4 calories, you can easily calculate the energy value of your tea - 32 kcal. Now you know how much sugar is in a tablespoon and in a regular teaspoon, let me remind you once again - 12 and 4 grams, respectively. Now the measures of weight and volume in recipes will no longer confuse you.