/ Serving the table for breakfast, dinner and dinner. Children's table setting. Ways and styles of table setting

Table setting for breakfast, dinner and dinner. Children's table setting. Ways and styles of table setting

Before embarking on such aburning topic for today, how to properly table the table - for breakfast, lunch or dinner, for any celebration, you still need to disassemble the meaning of the concept itself. It should be noted that the question of how to cover the table correctly, worries many housewives today. And information on this topic can be found mass. But only not always it is really correct. Many of those who consider themselves docking on such a question are deeply mistaken when, talking about, let's say, how to serve a table for dinner, begin their teachings with the words: "We spread a beautiful tablecloth, put candles and do not forget about a bouquet ..." ? Because they, without even thinking about it, confuse two completely different concepts - decoration and proper serving. So let's understand.


The word "serving" (from service, or servir)means nothing more than a service. First of all, and at the head of the process itself is convenience. So, when we talk about how to nevertheless correctly set the table, then first of all we must mean the right and convenient, we emphasize, the arrangement of cutlery and objects. All the rest - tablecloths, flowers, candles and other delicacies - is just a decoration of the table. No more. What can be drawn from this conclusion? Clear and clear: there are generally accepted ways of serving the table, which is carried out by unshakable rules, honed by years and provided for by etiquette. While the table can be decorated in accordance with their own imagination and, preferably, at least with a small share of common sense. This is also a kind of art, we will not argue. But there is no need to speak about correctness in this case. If only about the lack of taste ... But let's not talk about sad things. We'd better get down to business right away.

table setting for breakfast

Classics of the genre

Knowing the basic rules will help not onlycorrectly set the table, but also not to hit the dirt in the face, if suddenly it is necessary to appear as a guest at some stunningly-fashionable reception. Even if you do not have a clear idea of ​​what the vast array of instruments is for you, you can adequately get out of the situation, relying on the knowledge of the classical method. Plates for serving the table are, of course, different, but in the generally accepted version there is always a hot plate in the center, under which there is a snack bar. To the left of it lay a dining-room fork, then for a fish, at the end - a fork. On the right are the knives in the following order: dining room, for fish, snack bar. The "procession" ends with a tablespoon. Above the plate is a handle on the right side of a dessert spoon, a handle to the left - a dessert fork. To the left of the main one is placed a plate for bread with an oil knife (with a handle to the right), to the right there are glasses: for water, white wine, red wine.

True, it should be noted that suchthe location of all devices, although it is a classic, is not always, of course, appropriate. So, for example, the preliminary table setting for breakfast does not require the presence of so many items. But if you plan a reception, then, of course, adhering to these rules, you can adequately and competently set the table.

But it is worth remembering that only"Proper" serving in nature, by and large, does not exist. For example, in France forks are always placed so that the teeth look up, in England, on the contrary. Therefore, if you suddenly make a mistake for the first time, you can, without batting an eyelash, say that today's table setting (for breakfast, say, or reception of guests) is an Irish variant. Who, in fact, speaking, will run to check whether it is so or not?

table setting for children

Basic rules, or to the mistress of the note

If you want to learn how to set the tableright, you need to remember one thing: you need to stick with style! Even if you memorized the location of spoons, forks and glasses and everything was done correctly, then the dishwasher for serving the table of three sets of different colors will negate all your efforts. Remember - the uniformity of cutlery and additional elements - that's the key to success. And do not forget: the same should be not only the kind of instruments, but also their location. And even if you put on the table a minimal set of them, but correctly and beautifully, no one dares to throw a stone at you. Moreover, do not forget that the classics, of course, is good, but no one forbids you to diversify it. There are other styles of table setting.

So if you yesterday in a fit of feelings crashed aboutfloor two of their best service, then the next morning, putting together the remnants of luxury, adding a couple of details for decoration and having worked your head, you can correct the situation, and then proudly and with dignity declare that today the table setting for breakfast is made in high-tech style. And you can also cover the table in English, Japanese, ethnic, romantic styles. However, there are so many of them that this is a topic for a separate conversation. And we, quite reasonably assuming that we have already mastered and remembered the basics of the rules of serving, we will move from theory to practice.

plates for table setting

Home serving

Professionals know how to do it without usto set the table in your institution. We will learn to do this at home. The table, beautifully and well decorated and covered, not only helps to increase appetite and delivers aesthetic pleasure, but also teaches the rules of behavior for him and children and adults. Of course, most often housewives try to festively serve a home table on weekends or on the occasion of any family celebration. But you need to train yourself to do this every day, to any food intake. So let's talk specifically about the table setting for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


As a rule, preliminary table setting forbreakfast requires a minimum set of appliances. At this time, usually not served a lot of different dishes, because all in a hurry, as a rule, go on their business for a whole day. But for the morning to start well and charge a whole day for the household members with a positive, we try to cover the table beautifully and in accordance with the rules of serving etiquette. Do not think that this is so simple. Serving a home table is also a kind of art.

First we place snack plates, and thencups. A small spoon is placed on the saucer with a handle on the right side, in the same way the handle on the cup should be placed. It is in this position that they are most conveniently used. If the menu of eggs, and they are welded "in a bag" or soft-boiled, then they need to be served on a special stand. It is placed on a snack plate with a special spoon. For porridge on a snack plate set deep. All hot drinks must be poured from the coffee pot or kettle, and the appliance is then left in the middle of the table. This is to ensure that it was convenient to reach it. Baking and all sorts of sandwiches are laid on a wide dish, and then also placed in the center of the table. Without fail, a salt-cellar, a plate with butter, a sugar bowl should be present on the table. Horseradish, mustard are served on request. Bread is placed on the side (it can be done in a specially designed dish or on a plate).

preliminary table setting for breakfast

About convenience took care, do not forget aboutornaments. If the hostess decided so, then the table can be covered with a tablecloth, if it is not there, then you can put decorative napkins under the plates. By the way, the latter (in paper version usually) are also placed on a table in a special stand. The presence of a small vase with flowers is also welcome. In the photo you can see what the table looks like for breakfast (pictures are in the text). But this, in general, examples. You, by observing the basic rules, you can experiment and decorate the table or choose a style according to your preferences.


Preliminary table setting for dinnerassumes that there are already more devices. Yet in many families this is often the main type of meal. As a rule, in the lunch menu there is an appetizer, the first dish, the second, and - almost always - some dessert. Obligatory condition - the presence of snack plates, knife, fork, spoon.

As for the first dishes, they will be neededeither deep plates or bowls for broth. Under them, always put a stand plate. Hot is usually served already on pre-served plates. In the event that the menu fish, you will need to add to the devices a special fork and knife-blade, with which you can separate the bones from the meat. Dessert must be served at the very end, and only after the dishes are removed from the table.

how to serve table for dinner


In this case, the serving is almost the samedinner, the only difference is that you do not need plates for soup. The number of dishes for dinner, as well as the number of main dishes are completely dependent on the menu.

By dinner, the table is immediately put dessertplates, on the left side of them you need to put forks, with the right - knives. Also, of course, dessert. If you traditionally like to drink a glass of wine over dinner, then arrange the dishes suitable for the drink as indicated in the classic table setting method.

We lay the table for the holiday

As an example, let's take a favorite holiday- birthday. In this case, a bright and original table setting is welcomed. And that it really turned out, then it must be supplemented with decoration. That is, simply put, decorate. It will be appropriate to put on the table an elegant lace tablecloth, which will give the table a solemn appearance.

We will need all kinds of additionalaccessories: fruit baskets, salad bowls, vases, elegant and original wine glasses and glasses. A vase of flowers should be placed near the culprit of the celebration, but so that it does not cover either himself or the review. Fruit is an obligatory attribute of the festive table. Baskets with them (the same, naturally) have, usually, at the edges. Placed with the same distance from each other are plates with sandwiches, as well as bread. Important! The basic plates should stand from each other at the same distance (fifty centimeters) and one centimeter from the edge of the table. And no less important! We follow, as agreed, style. No dishwriting utensils! Everything is complete, beautiful and organic.

New Year's table setting

The order of the arrangement of plates:for the second (shallow), on them we put large (for hot), and we finish the composition with snack bars. As for the location of cutlery: fork on the left, knife and spoon on the right. Each salad bowl should have a "personal" spoon. Glasses, wine glasses and glasses are placed on the right and descending. Naturally, do not forget to update the table with fresh devices.

Children's table setting

By and large, the difference between "adult" and"Child" serving special is not observed. However, in recent years, plastic dishes have appeared increasingly on the tables. It, firstly, does not beat, that excludes traumas at children (and services). In addition, manufacturers today offer such a huge selection of beautiful dishes and glasses that only one of their decor will give the table a festive look. Especially when you consider that the sale is great, and it is the children's dishes made of plastic.

What is unusual is the table setting for the children's table?Perhaps, the fact that, as a rule, the main dishes on it - not meat and salads, but sweets, cakes, fruit, ice cream. And, of course, cake. Therefore, it is necessary to remember all the nuances and before the holiday to stock up with appropriate devices: spoons, vases for desserts, a paddle for a cake, fruit baskets. And, of course, sustained in one style - a bright, festive, appropriate occasion for the celebration.

 styles of table setting

We share secrets

And now a few words about how to do it.serving your particular - specific table - is really unique and memorable. To do this, you just need to create and fantasize, observing, of course, some rules. So, for example, a tablecloth and utensils must necessarily be combined. To a delicate sparkling crystal it is better to choose a white lace tablecloth. But the porcelain dishes "love" a simpler fabric. As for napkins, it is necessary that they also be in harmony with the tablecloth. But if you use them in two versions - monochrome and color - it turns out neizbito and original. If you fold paper napkins in a special way, they not only will not be superfluous on your desk, but will also noticeably decorate it. Moreover, today you can buy such a "paper" with drawings that fully correspond to the theme of the celebration. Also candles and candles will never interfere. And the laying of the New Year's table is impossible without them. Especially if you arrange them accordingly. However, these accessories should also be in a single color scheme and in harmony with napkins, tablecloths and dishes. Any kind of cute knickknacks will be out of place: bows, ribbons, figures. All these decorations will emphasize both the refinement of serving and your individuality.

And, of course, flowers. What it will be - a modest bouquet of wild flowers or a chic collage - you decide. And the occasion, about which the table is laid.

And finally ...

Of course, correctly set the table incompliance with all the requirements of etiquette - this, of course, aerobatics. But do not think that this procedure can only be for professionals. Not the gods, after all, the pots were burned ...