/ / Fritters of patisson: recipes

Fritters from patisson: recipes

Patissons are vegetables that have veryan unusual form. Outwardly they are more like flying saucers, decorated with lace. In fact, this vegetable is the closest relative of zucchini and pumpkin. Patissons are usually harvested as early as the sixth day after ripening. It is worth noting that these vegetables are tender enough if they are ripped off and cooked still young. The patissons themselves are very beautiful. Therefore, they are usually cooked entirely. Most often, the scallops are cleaned of pulp, and then stuffed. However, there are very original recipes, where vegetables need to be crushed. For example, fritters from patissoni. The dish turns out very tasty.

fritters with patissoni

Classic patisserie fritters

The dish, cooked according to this recipe, will appeal not only to adults. Pancakes will please even children. To prepare them you will need:

  1. 250 grams of patissons.
  2. 100 milliliters of milk.
  3. 50 grams of sour cream.
  4. Egg.
  5. 25 grams of flour.
  6. 25 grams of sugar.
  7. Black pepper.
  8. Salt and soda.

Cooking process

Pancakes fritters, recipes of which you canfound in this article - a wonderful dish. They are preparing very quickly. To begin with, you should prepare all the vegetables. Patissons should be washed and dried with paper towels. After this, remove the peel and grate them on a grater, preferably shallow. In the received weight it is necessary to add a chicken egg in a raw kind, salt and soda. Mix all ingredients and put the dough for 10 minutes into heat.

pancakes recipes

Sour cream and milk must be beaten separately.The composition should also include pepper black and salt, add sugar. The resulting mixture must be combined with the patissons. If the dough is too liquid, it's worth adding a little flour. After this, the dough needs to be well kneaded.

To cook pancakes from the patissons,it is necessary to heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. You also need to lay out the ready-made dough. Do it best with a tablespoon. Fry the fritters on both sides. Ready dish can be sprinkled with herbs.

Pancakes with garlic

Pancakes fritters with garlic are suitable for those who love more spicy dishes. For preparation you will need:

  1. Small patissons.
  2. Several medium-sized potatoes.
  3. Two eggs.
  4. Three large spoons of flour.
  5. Salt.
  6. Garlic and greens.

How to cook?

Fritters from patissoni can cook any.Young patissons should be washed, peeled. Also it is necessary to remove the flesh. Ready vegetables should be grinded on a large grater and salt. Patissons should be salted and left for only 10 minutes.

pancakes fritters with garlic

Potatoes also need to be cleaned and washed. Tubers should be grinded, wiping them on a large grater. Greens need to be finely chopped. The cloves of garlic must be cleaned and let through the press.

After 10 minutes, squash should be squeezed.Juice from chopped vegetables should be drained. After that, the mass should be added grated potatoes, garlic, egg, salt, spices and herbs. All this must be mixed, slightly shaking. In the mixture should be introduced a little flour.

Pancakes fritters are almost ready. It remains only to put a tablespoon of dough and fry on both sides. The dish turns tender and airy. But its main advantage is a mysterious taste.