/ / Meat sandwiches, fancy and eateries

Lenten sandwiches, unusual and eateries

Any literate person who has completed at leastschool, has an idea about the scientist Nicolaus Copernicus. It was he who “moved” the Earth from the center of the Universe and “placed” the Sun there. For a long time everyone was offended at it, especially the Catholic Church, but history put everything in its place. But now the conversation is not about that. Between the great discoveries in astronomy, mathematics and other serious sciences, he made another discovery, small but very memorable. Copernicus invented the sandwich. Yes, it turns out that a simple piece of bread and butter has an author. The fact is that people often dropped bread on the ground and calmly ate it along with all the bacteria. The bread was dark, and the dirt on it was poorly visible, only the spread of disease did not stop. But the same piece of bread, covered with a layer of butter, in the fall will collect all the excess on a light sticky layer, it can be cleaned and there is more. In such a simple way, Copernicus greatly helped the medicine of that time. And at the same time, and cooking for five centuries to come.

С тех пор бутерброд сильно изменился, но всё still remains a favorite food for many. The sandwich is quickly prepared, eaten with pleasure, easy to transport. It can be taken to work, on the road, on picnics. Even the festive table can be decorated by preparing snack sandwiches. Believe me, every guest will certainly try these snacks. After the May abundance of holidays, you can get some rest from the meat, so today we will prepare fast sandwiches.

For example, sandwiches with bean paste.Finely chopped onions and carrots must be fried in vegetable oil. Cook pre-soaked beans in a blender or with a fork to turn into a uniform mashed potatoes. All together mix and spread on neat slices of baguette. Top with parsley leaves.

Lenten sandwiches with potato crust.Peel a few raw potatoes and grate them, add the greens, salt, pepper, squeeze a clove of garlic. All together, spread on slices of loaf and fry in vegetable oil stuffing down. After a ruddy crust is formed, you can fry a little on the other side.

Sandwiches lean with avocado.Take the avocado, peel off the peel, chop the bone, chop the flesh together with a clove of garlic and greens, such as parsley. Spread on pieces of black bread. Such a sandwich will not only be tasty, but also useful.

You can make lean meatballs simple:fry a slice of whole grain bread in olive oil, rub with garlic, let cool a little. Put tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce leaves, avocado slices in any combinations on top, sprinkle with fresh greens and enjoy a delicious sandwich.

Well, if you are a staunch meat eater, then surelyyou will like hot sandwiches. For them fit any sausages, sausage, or just boiled meat. Lightly grease pieces of white bread with butter, put chopped meat on them, chopped tomatoes on top, smear with mayonnaise a little, sprinkle everything with herbs and cheese. Put in the oven, take out when the cheese melts.

These sandwiches and put on a festive tablenot ashamed. And in general, many sandwiches can become everyday festive if you use a little imagination when preparing them. Shaped sliced ​​small pieces of bread, beautifully laid out filling, some kind of olive on top, stuck with a skewer - such a snack is unlikely to live to the third toast.

And the baby will be delighted if his mother makes him sandwiches unusual, for example, in the form of some funny face: and tasty, and the paddle.

The main thing is to remember that bread blends well with many fillings, and not get hung up on Copernicus-invented bread and butter, when there is so much tasty on hand!