If you decide to make a custard foror another cake, this article will definitely help you. There are several of his recipes, which we will discuss below. You can use them not only when cooking honey, but for other cakes, and for cakes.
Medovik with a custard (recipe number 1)
First we prepare the dough.In a saucepan, heat 250 grams of butter, add 3 well-beaten eggs and gently, gradually add 3 tablespoons of honey, 300 g of sugar, 400 g of flour and 1 spoon of soda. All this is shaken. Then we cut the parchment paper into sheets corresponding to the size of the baking sheet, and roll it out on each dough (it is necessary that a thin layer is obtained). Each cake should be baked for 5 minutes. Be careful, the honey dough burns very quickly, so you need to pull them out as soon as they turn golden. When the cakes are cool, cut them into the shape of the dish to get a neat cake.
Now you need to prepare the custard forthe copper. To do this, mix 6 spoons of flour with half a glass of milk and stir so that no lumps remain. The remaining one and a half cup warmed up and add a mixture of flour and milk. Cook on low heat until thickened, and then pour half a glass of ordinary sugar, two sachets of vanilla and mix everything. Shake a glass of butter and add to the cream, mix thoroughly. Custard oil is ready. He needs to give a little cool, and then lubricate them with every cake and collect the cake. The upper cake should be greased with plenty of cream, and then sprinkle with crumbs, made from scraps of cakes.
Medovik with cottage cheese cream
First you need to make a dough.To do this, put 125 grams of margarine into the pan, 2 tablespoons of honey and a glass of sugar, put on a water bath and, stirring, reheat until the mixture is homogeneous. Add a pinch of soda and stir again until the mass has increased and it does not become whitish. After that, we remove from the water bath and gently drive in 3 eggs, stirring all the time. About three glasses of flour, too, gradually introduced into the dough, not forgetting to constantly stir it. The dough is ready and it needs to be divided into balls according to the number of cakes and roll out. They are baked in the oven and very quickly.
Now you can prepare a curd-custard forthe copper. First we cook the usual custard, i.e. mix a glass of sugar with 2 tablespoons of flour, 2 eggs and 2 glasses of milk and boil over low heat, diligently stirring. Do not forget to add a little vanilla and 50 grams of butter. When the cream thickens, it should be removed from the fire and a little bit of a loan, and then beat with a blender, gradually adding 500 g curd mass (you can with raisins).
The last step is to collect the cake.We put a thick layer of creme cream, folding them one on another, and then let the cake soak for 2-3 hours. The custard for the honey with cottage cheese will make its taste unusual and even more gentle.
There are other options, how to cookcustard, recipe without eggs, for example. You need to pour a glass of sugar half a glass of water and cook until the grains of sugar dissolve completely. Next, 2 tablespoons of flour, too, pour half a glass of water and gradually, stirring, we introduce into the syrup. All this is cooked until it turns into gruel, and then slightly cooled. Then in this mixture you need to put 250 g of butter and a little vanilla sugar and whisk until you get a magnificent cream. Such cream can be used for cakes or for cakes.
Very tasty and airy it turns out to be a custardcream, prepared according to the following recipe. 4 yolks rubbed with 4 tablespoons of sugar, add a glass of cream and bring to a boil. Separately beat up 4 proteins and add them to the cream, while it is still hot, then warm up all together for 3 more minutes.
Another recipe for custard suggestsuse of rice and cornstarch. So, 150 g of egg yolks weighed with the same amount of sugar, mixed with 100 g of cream 400 grams of milk. We put it on the fire and boil it. Then add in the cream of 20 g of corn and rice starch, as well as a little vanilla. We boil until the cream thickens. Thanks to starch, the cream becomes more dense and porous.