It turns out that manti gave us peoplesCentral Asia. In appearance, they are not much different from the dumplings, but this is only a false illusion. Unlike the usual dumplings, this dish is steamed. It is worth noting that chopped lamb with onions is usually used as a filling. And it is extremely important that it be chopped, not just rolled through a meat grinder. In order to properly cook manty, cooking recipes which contain a lot of nuances, it is extremely important to observe the following rules. So:
- when sculpting, the edges should not be fixed by hands, but by a bottle or rolling pin, so they will be absolutely airtight;
- in the process of steaming, it is strictly forbidden to boil them in a special manti-cascan;
- Various recipes for the preparation of this dish imply all sorts of additives in the stuffing (onions, dill, carrots, etc.), as well as the addition of various hot spices;
- There are options for modeling them with an open top in the form of a cup.
You can cook manti real, just as the Uzbeks do. It turns out that it is much easier than it might seem at first. Cooking Uzbek manti, recipes are described below.
Required ingredients:
- wheat flour (half a kilogram);
- chicken eggs (5 pieces);
- drinking water (not more than 150 mm);
- beef sirloin (1 kilogram);
- onions (half a kilogram);
- table salt (20 g);
- ground black pepper (7 g);
- fat fat tail (not more than 150 g).
Getting to the dough.To do this, mix eggs, flour, salt and a small amount of water. Knead the dough, roll into a ball, cover with a napkin (clean), and leave for about 30 minutes. Then remove the finished dough, roll it into a single layer (which is 1-2 mm thick) and divide into equal squares (10 10 cm).
After that, proceed to the preparation of the filling.To do this, we need to finely chop the pulp of beef (you can skip it through a meat grinder, only with a fairly large grill). Add chopped onion, azhgon, ground pepper and salted water (a couple of teaspoons) to the mincemeat, mix everything thoroughly. After that cut slices (the size of a bean) fat tail.
And after all these actions you can proceed tocooking delicious and extremely tasty dishes. Do you know how to sculpt manti and how to do this? If not, then this is what you will learn from this article.
So, cook manty, recipes which shouldcarefully observe, and for this you must perform the following steps. Put mincemeat (1 tbsp) and lard (enough 1 piece) into each small square of dough, then fix dough on top. In order to prevent it from drying, cover the prepared manty with a napkin, then lay them on the oily grates (tiers) of Manti Kascan, so that they do not touch each other, sprinkle them with cold water and cook with the lid tightly closed for no more than an hour (preferably 45 minutes). If you notice that during the cooking process, the mantias will start to dry out a little, then you can literally pour them and hot water over the grates a couple of times. In case you are going to boil them in salted water, like dumplings, they will be ready half an hour after boiling water.
Cooked manty is recommended to fill with sour cream or katyk, or to fill them with rich broth, adding a little green cilantro and black pepper.
However, manti, whose recipes are diverse, you cancook in a slightly different way. To do this, fry them in hot oil until they form a brown crust, then put them into manti-kaskan and bring them to complete readiness for a couple. By the way, such manty will cook a little faster, literally 25 minutes.