You have decided to pamper loved ones with unusualdish, but meat and vegetables are already fed up. What to cook? The answer is simple - mushrooms. More often, mushrooms are used for cooking, less often forest mushrooms, such as: honey mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus mushrooms. There is a lot of dishes with mushrooms: from simple champignons in sour cream to unusual - champignons in avocado with pineapples. It all depends on what the purpose of the dish is a regular family dinner or something special and romantic. Mushrooms, by the way, are the strongest aphrodisiac, if properly prepared. For example, champignons fried with sour cream are suitable for a quiet dinner with the whole family, which cannot be said about mushrooms stewed in white wine with liqueur, with the addition of citruses. It all depends on your imagination.
In order to cook the mushrooms, do notBe sure to go to the forest for mushrooms, enough to walk to the nearest supermarket or market. Despite the fact that it is such a common product on the shelves, mushrooms are distinguished by their usefulness and taste, and even listed as a delicacy. We must not forget that children should not be given mushrooms in large quantities or often.
Before cooking any dish of mushrooms, theirneed to clean properly. Many housewives simply throw them into the water and wash them thoroughly, but this is wrong. With such a wash, mushrooms absorb water and become completely tasteless. Champignons should be wiped with a dry or slightly damp towel or napkin. Mushrooms need to remove all contaminants. Now you can cook them.
The most common dish are sour cream. Why precisely in sour cream? Because sour cream better than any other product emphasizes the taste of mushrooms. Preparing this dish is very simple - clean sliced mushrooms are fried in a pan until cooked, then onions, spices and sour cream are added. All this stewed under the lid for about 10 minutes. Agree, it's easy. Therefore, champignons fried in sour cream are so popular among modern hostesses.
Also, mushrooms can diversify already familiardishes, for example, adding them to the morning omelette. First, fry the mushrooms in the pan, and then add the eggs. It is also simple, fast and tasty, but the most important thing is that an omelette turns out to be quite unusual in taste.
But champignons in sour cream is not the only way to cook mushrooms. Here is an interesting recipe for gourmets.
Грибы нужно очистить, сложить в небольшую тарелку with deep sides. Pour mixture of vinegar, water and citric acid. The mixture is prepared in such proportions: for 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar and half a teaspoon of citric acid. Let it stand for about 2 hours. Then we transfer the soaked mushrooms to the cauldron (enamelware will not work). We put on a small fire. During heating, mushrooms give juice, so do not add water. When the mushrooms boil, add spices and a little onion. Let stew for about 5 minutes. Then dilute the flour with water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon of flour to half a glass of water. Stir well and pour into the mushrooms. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the resulting mass so as not to form lumps. Stew for another 10 minutes and the dish is ready to eat. You can submit to it any side dish (buckwheat, potatoes, rice) or even just vegetables.
If you decide to cook mushrooms for children,Remember that they can be given no more than 1 time in 2 weeks on the advice of pediatricians. For children, you can cook the same mushrooms in sour cream, but with the original serve. You can extinguish whole mushrooms, then separate the caps from the legs. After that, the caps can be stuffed with a mass of grated cheese with tomatoes. The taste of mushrooms cooked in sour cream goes well with cheese and tomatoes. This dish is suitable not only for children, but also as a snack on a table for adults.