Fish, along with meat is used in food since the most ancient times. Its benefits are incontestable, and nutritionists strongly recommend eating fish dishes at least twice a week.
Regular consumption of any kind of fish reducescholesterol level, that is, is an excellent prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Plus, it has a decent supply of proteins, fats, various types of vitamins and nutrients.
Cooked delicious and fast fish fillet, recipewhich is also distinguished by a set of low-calorie foods, helps fight excess weight due to the large amount of protein and low fat level. So, how to cook fish fillets?
Fish fillet. Potato batter recipe
For cooking you can use absolutely any fish, guided only by your own taste. Of course, it is better to choose such that even small bones are not present in it.
600 grams of fish fillets cut into portions with an average diameter of five centimeters. Each is rubbed with salt and, if desired, spices.
Approximately a pound of potatoes to clean andGrate (better on large), add an egg and a couple of tablespoons of flour, add salt and put your favorite seasonings. Mix everything thoroughly. A little later, when the potatoes give juice, you should drain it.
Next, you need each piece of fish fillet withall parties process klyar. To do this, he first spreads on the palm, then put a piece of fish, again on the top of the batter. Putting the fillets in the pan, put the pieces tightly so that they do not fall apart during the frying process.
It should be laid out immediately on a red-hot frying pan with a sufficient amount of oil, and fry over medium heat under a closed lid for 10 minutes on each side.
Fish fillet. Recipe with mushrooms
Two carrots and a couple of celery roots gratecoarse grater and send to roast in a skillet. Three hundred grams of canned mushrooms finely chopped and also put to the vegetables for stewing. Add some water to the pan and simmer for 10 minutes.
Fish fillet, whole or non-portioned,Grate with salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, pepper, if desired, and send in the form or pan. Top with a lot of vegetables and put in the oven for 10 minutes. Then get out and pour the sauce, prepared from a spoon of tomato paste (you can ketchup) and 100 grams of sour cream, and send again to the oven for another 20 minutes.
Fish fillet. Tuna Kebab Recipe
Two kilograms of tuna are cut into pieces with a diameter of five centimeters, put them in a bowl, sprinkled with the juice of two lemons and drizzled with vegetable oil.
A bunch of parsley finely chopped.To it are added six cloves of garlic passed through the crush. With the lemons remaining after squeezing the lemons, the peel is rubbed, salt is added to the mass in sufficient quantity for the whole dish and pepper. Everything is well mixed.
Before you send a filet on fire, each piece of it is rubbed with a given mass. You can fry such a dish both on the grill and on the grill grate.
Fish fillet with cheese and vegetables
Any fish fillet in the amount of 600 grams is cut, salted and pickled in lemon juice.
Две натертые моркови, два баклажана, нарезанных in small cubes, fried in vegetable oil until half cooked with constant stirring. At the same time, three shredded onions are put in a saucepan, poured 200 grams of cream and stewed on very low heat for about 20 minutes. Then the onions are squeezed from excess liquid and mixed with 250 grams of cheese.
We put all the ingredients in a baking dish.The first layer is carrots with eggplants, but not all, but half. Next, put the fish, and on top again carrots with eggplants. And the final layer is a mass of cheese and onions.
The dish is sent to warmed up to 180 degrees.oven for 25 minutes. After a golden brown crust is formed, turn off the fire, but do not reach the oven, but wait about 10 minutes. So the fish will reach the desired readiness faster.