Often, Baptists are perceived as hypnotized sectarians who have come under the influence of scam artists. But let's look at the example of the Church of the Transfiguration in Samara, is this true.

What is Baptism?
This is one of the directions of the ProtestantChristianity. At the core of the Baptist teachings is freedom of choice. A distinctive feature of the Christian doctrine is their attitude toward baptism. Baptism takes place every adult who is fully aware of the right to choose. Baptists completely reject the baptism of infants, who are thus deprived of this right, since, according to the convictions of the Baptist movement, a person must already be fully responsible for refusing sinful life in order to serve the Lord.
The Baptist community stands for the universal priesthood, as well as the fact that each community has the right to independent existence. The Church of the Transfiguration in Samara is no exception.
A characteristic feature of all Baptist communities: the pastor is not the only manager of the church. His remit is very limited. And all the important questions of the community are taken up by the church councils.
The history of the creation of the church "Transfiguration" in Samara (end of the 19th century - 1927)
The history of the emergence of the church dates back tolate 19th century. Then from Saratov two brothers came to Samara, who at that time were representatives of the Baptist movement. Their main goal was to open a shop where they could sell books of the Old and New Testament. In parallel, one of the brothers, Perk Petr Petrovich, began to search for like-minded people in Samara. As a result, he found them in the face of Molokans - spiritual Christians.

But before Perk arrived, the first to visit the housethe Molokans, was Delyakov D.Ya., who was in love with their creeds. It was based on freedom of thought. Molokans argued that appeals to the Lord can be not only in the form of memorized prayers for all, but also that each person can turn to Him with those words that come from the heart. Subsequently, Delyakov himself began to preach sermons to which a large number of people came.
His sermons were based on a testimony of Jesus Christ as the savior of mankind from sins.
And later, Perk was asked to putpreaching to music for easier perception of the parishioners. Songs awakened new bright feelings and thoughts in people. But the parishioners did not know how to turn to the Lord with them, as the songs became significantly different from the Molokan chants. Thus, the need arose for the organization of a new direction of belief. Like-minded people began to gather in the apartment of Uklein Y.V. During one of these meetings, Peter Chekmarev, who at the time was 16 years old, turned to the Lord. At this very moment, it is considered, in Samara, the construction of the work of God began. Over the years, the number of parishioners in the community grew more and more.
And already at the beginning of the last century Ya. V. Uklein.I rented an apartment with my wife in order to conduct regular services. At the same time, after baptism on the Samarka River, services began with sermons from Perk, Vorobyov and Stoyakin.
P. Grachev played a major role in the development of the community.who was an ardent opponent of meetings and sermons. But at some time he was interested in the service in the form of chants. Later, he began to serve the Lord until the end of his days.
We lived in the community in a cheerful and friendly way, completely surrenderingserving the Lord. The family grew, it became necessary to expand. And in 1907, the community was able to purchase a two-story prayer house that built Reshetnikov.

From that moment on, the life of the community began to boil more intensely. And already in 1927, the 25th anniversary of the Transfiguration Church in the city of Samara was celebrated.
The history of community development in the middle of the last century
After the revolution, all the services were persecuted, and the preachers were locked up in prisons or sent to collective farms for work.
During the Second World War, the people were traced to the decadentthe mood, and the authorities allowed openly to gather for worship. They began to resume in the apartments of individual parishioners. The Transfiguration Church in Samara began to experience revival. In 1954, a new prayer house was opened. And in 1976, the “big construction” of the new prayer complex began.
In the years of perestroika, more and more was carried out.sermons throughout the country. Many people began to turn to the faith of the Baptists. And accordingly, there was a need to build new buildings for worship.
Location and conduct of sermons in the church of the ECB "Transfiguration" in Samara
The community is located in Samara on the street. Perekopskaya, 30. You can get both on public transport and on personal.
Services are held every Sunday at 10 am and 5 pm. On Fridays, prayer services are held at 10 am.

The community is active in the Internet.On the website of the community you can find the sermons of Ryaguzov V.S., see the live broadcasts of the Transfiguration Church in Samara. Alexey Prokopenko also has a blog. After the sermons, each of the ministers will answer any question of interest to the congregation.