Astrology: Elena Osipenko

The stars are our mysterious friends. They can not only admire the warm summer night. Stars can help us in the most difficult moments.

What is astrology?

Osipenko Elena

Астрология – это учение о звёздах, которое даёт the ability to predict the future. This mysterious sphere is very little studied, but interest in it has not been lost since it appeared. Today astrology is developing rapidly. Astrological predictions found their justification in official science.

Being interested in astrology, the main thing is to work with reliable sources and professionals in their field.

Astrologer Elena Osipenko

Osipenko Elena the astrologer

Osipenko Elena - an astrologer who himself wentthrough the path of disbelief and disappointment. At first, the woman believed that divination, astrology and other possibilities of the prophecy of the future are just a soap bubble that distracts people from really important problems. But after 16 years, fate proved to Elena that she was mistaken. The life situation forced her to turn to the astrological forecast. Thanks to this, the woman was able to better understand herself and find a way out of the difficult situation.

The further way


After such a change in her life, Osipenko Elenabegan to look at the world and surrounding things differently. Astrology restored her faith in herself and in life. After a while, sharing her impressions with a friend, she realized that many are very skeptical about this area. It was then that the understanding came that the experience should be realized and communicated to people. Osipenko Elena has learned to make astrological forecasts and draw conclusions on them. In addition, the woman was carried away by psychological sciences. Now she is actively working on herself, overcoming weaknesses and strengthening good sides. Having learned from her mistakes, she gladly helps others avoid them.


To date, Elena Osipenko isastrologer of world level. She also spreads her knowledge-she writes books, publishes the popular scientific magazine Astrological Calendar for Ukraine. But her activities are not limited to this.

Elena is the head of the department of astropsychology inEuropean Institute in Germany. Regularly conducted a variety of trainings and meetings for all comers. Together with his partner Yuri Helen opened a school of practical positive astropsychology. They are not only creators and leaders, but also teachers of this school. If you can not attend the meeting with Elena Osipenko in person, then you have the opportunity to see her video calls, which she gladly shares.

Develop yourself and listen to your heart!