/ / Compatibility of female Taurus and Sagittarius male: a brief description

Compatibility of female Taurus and Sagittarius male: a brief description

People in relationships often encounteran irresistible force of the difference of temperaments and characters. In many respects it is about upbringing and life values, but some argue that most of the reasons stem from the poor compatibility of zodiac signs of partners. People of different elements understand each other very hard. That is why the compatibility of the female Taurus and the Sagittarius man is often questioned. Both partners born under these constellations will have a hard and fruitful work on themselves if they really want to live happily and harmoniously. After all, as we know, fire and earth have little in common with each other.

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Compatibility of female Taurus and Sagittarius male

First of all, it is worth to say a few words about the commoncharacteristics of both signs. Let's start with the female Taurus. It is believed that she was born for the role of wife and mother. But this does not mean that all her life she is only waiting for the moment when she can put on a robe and apron and puff in the kitchen for days. This is a very feminine sign that has a special charm due to the patronage of Venus - the most "elegant" planet in the entire solar system. This woman will tirelessly admire her husband, with pleasure to raise children and with ecstasy to bring comfort and comfort to the house. This is a very practical partner, who does not like to hang in the clouds, building any illusory plans.

In addition to housekeeping, this womanis able to reach certain heights in his career due to his perseverance and zeal. As for sexual energy, this lady is able to charm almost any man. However, the compatibility of the female Taurus and the Sagittarius man will not be built only on this, because such a man will always have few acute emotions and sensations.

Sagittarius woman Taurus man compatibility

A person born in November-December needsThe constant riot of passions that are circling around him and filling him with life-giving force. It is important for him to be always in sight, better even in the center of attention. From the first minutes of communication it will be clear how different by temperament Sagittarius (man) and Taurus.

The compatibility of these signs may seem to manyimpossible, however, in spite of the complete opposite, they can quite get along together. First of all, for both partners an important part of the relationship is the intimate side. And let the Sagittarius pursue only his physiological needs, and Taurus seeks love and romance, the goal always remains the same.

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Тем не менее, этот сближающий фактор сможет их to disassociate if a man cannot prove his loyalty to a woman, because often he simply does not have time for that. In most cases, the difference of opinion will negatively affect the steady flow of the relationship of this couple. Conservative views will forever resist the reformist innovation, as a result of which the compatibility of Taurus women and Sagittarius men can noticeably fade away.

Permanent men of this sign toentertainment and noisy companies will go against the quiet and measured rhythm of life of a Taurus woman. Apparently the above, it is not enough that such a union is rarely found (too different interests of these signs), so also this pair is doomed to parting. The same can be said about the relationship Archer-woman - Taurus-man. Compatibility of these marks, regardless of gender, is almost impossible.