What does the white color of roses mean?
White roses are a symbol of purity, purity, innocence, love exalted and eternal, which is higher than all other earthly feelings.

Pink roses
What is the color of the rose, you can guesslogically. For example, pink - a gentle, light color, respectively, you can give such a bouquet to young girls. In addition, these flowers are often given in the hope of starting a relationship, the birth of a large and bright feeling. Pink roses symbolize admiration, sympathy, courtesy and gratitude.

What does red color of roses mean?
Perhaps, this shade is the most in demand forcompared with the rest, so for sure everyone knows that it means passionate love and passion. In addition, a bouquet of this color is usually given as a sign of respect, reverence, and also present it in gratitude for the work done.
What does the yellow color of roses mean?

Roses of this color are usually given as a sign of friendship andrespect. This flower expresses joyful emotions, happiness, a positive attitude. For some reason, there is an opinion, what does the color of the rose in this case, the separation, although it is not so. Yellow flowers can give each other people who have long been married. In this case, they will symbolize respect, recognition and happiness in family life. But sometimes roses of this color can mean infidelity. Few people know that a yellow bouquet can be presented as a sign of reconciliation. For example, if you quarreled with your soul mate, then a bouquet of fresh and fragrant yellow roses will mean that you are ready to forgive and forget everything.

Purple and purple roses
These flowers symbolize love at first sight,they are presented in the hope of something more than sympathy. If a young man wants to show the girl his admiration and seriousness of his intentions, then the bouquet of this color will be an excellent choice. Purple roses symbolize perfection and wealth.
Blue (blue) roses

A bouquet of this color symbolizes mystery,mystery and eccentricity. They are gifted to unusual, talented people, with whom it is interesting to communicate and spend time. But you need to be careful, since this color has many shades. For example, a lilac shade can express admiration and charm.

Black roses
Such flowers are a symbol of emptiness, sadness,sorrow, and death. But, presenting a bouquet to a partner, you can emphasize his inner strength. Also, these flowers can mean new beginnings, business or a trip somewhere.
Green roses
Despite such an unusual color, such bouquets of roses quickly gained popularity. Green shade expresses stability, generosity and prosperity, therefore it is accepted to people to make them successful and prosperous.
How to choose the right bouquet

Of course, before giving such flowers, it is betterfind out what the color of the rose means. The language of flowers is so diverse that the choice of a bouquet depends not only on its color, but also on the age of the person to whom they will be presented. For example, very young girls under the age of 14 are usually given white roses. Beauties under 18 are usually given pink flowers. A beautiful half of the 18 to 25 years old red roses will do. Women from 25 to 35 years old can be presented a scarlet bouquet, and people older than 35 years old and elderly people will fit burgundy roses. Observing these simple rules, you can not only choose the perfect gift, but also express your feelings and attitude towards the person.