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What does the favorite guy dream about? We analyze dreams

Sleep - this in itself is very pleasant and usefuloccupation, if I may say so. And if you not only sleep, but you also see beautiful dreams - this is doubly pleasant. And really, it would seem, elegant, if a loved one had a dream. But is this really so? Let's try to analyze and decipher several variants of pictures from sleep.

what does a beloved guy dream about
There is such a popular belief:if in a dream to kiss with a loved one on the lips - it will certainly lead to separation in reality. How true this sign is, it's difficult to judge, but many argue that they and their friends worked. Perhaps this is just a coincidence, and perhaps not. And that's what the dream books say about what a favorite guy dreams about. So, for example, if you kiss your lover in the dark, you need to prepare for the fact that in reality you are trapped in gossip and condemnation of those around you. If the kiss happened in the light of day, then the meaning of sleep will be the opposite: you will be given signs of attention, you will deserve respect and praise.

Why dream of a loved one who marries not on you, but on another girl?

had a sweetheart
It is likely, in reality you will be jealous of him,and it is groundless. If you dream that your chosen one is indifferent to you, and you are extremely upset by this, it means that you are sweeping and you can not decide whether to marry or to continue to enjoy freedom. Actually, this dream shows that you, most likely, are still not really ready for family life, so think carefully before agreeing to a marriage. But what is the dream of a loved one to whom you have changed. This dream clearly shows that in the near future you will deceive your chosen one. Of course, this is not necessarily treason, but somewhere in something you will lie to him. If, in a dream, your beloved has cheated on you, this indicates that your confidence is brazenly abused. Be on the alert. Also worth paying attention to a dream in which your chosen one in some way sends you his picture, and you look at it. It's very bad business, because in reality your young man does not seem to like you. You are for him only a means to achieve your own goals. And what - you know better. To parting, a dream is dreaming, where you and your boyfriend are sitting at the dinner table.

what does a loved one dream about
Do all dreams of a beloved foretell onlybad? Not at all. Here, for example, do you know what a favorite guy dreams about, who walks with you by the handle on a beautiful park? And to the fact that in reality you will not only be pleasant to spend all your free time together, but also successfully marry in the future. Also a sign of strong and mutual love can serve as a dream, in which you take your chosen one to distant lands. The offer of the hand and heart can end your romance, if in a dream you will see that you and your boyfriend have a child. Do you know what the beloved guy you are killing is dreaming about? To the fact that he will live long, and with you. If he kills or beats you in a dream, do not be scared ahead of time. Sleep only indicates that, probably, in the near future you will get sick. Therefore, take your health very carefully.