/ / Compatibility of female Gemini and Sagittarius men

Compatibility of female Gemini and Sagittarius men

If we talk about whether compatibility is possibleGemini women and Sagittarius men, the answer will be rather ambiguous. Of course, they are perfectly suited to each other, but the differences in their characters can lead to not very pleasant consequences. But let's start in order.

What are the contradictions of the characters?

compatibility of Gemini and Sagittarius men

Twins always wear a kind of mask thatcan vary depending on the situation. And Sagittarians are straightforward, open and far from theatrical games in public. And if you take into account the fact that the mask of a woman can change at the most inopportune moment, it would be worthwhile to think about whether it is necessary to get acquainted with her. But how hard it is to do it! The Gemini woman is flamboyant, beautiful, easy to climb and capable of capturing herself in such a jungle, from which it will be very difficult to get out. Life with her will never be boring. A Sagittarius man is adventurous, prone to narcissism. He used to get everything from life only the best. That's why he pays attention to Gemini. It is difficult to pass by the one admired all around. And she, too, is not averse to getting a partner in a man who is confident in himself and is able to turn a head to any lady.

Compatibility of female Gemini and Sagittarius men

But despite the small drawbacks, the similarities in these signs are much greater. They both love adventure, adventure.

Sagittarius and twin marriage
And in family life they are unlikely to be bored.The marriage of Sagittarius and Gemini will always be filled with a holiday that a Sagittarius man can do from nothing. And besides, a woman will never be left alone with life, children and household chores. He will always gladly share with her all the affairs, so that the evening is left only for the two of them.

Sagittarius and Gemini - love

In love, this couple does not know the measure.They are like on the battlefield: quarrels always follow conciliation, sometimes even much more violent than the previous scandal. A Gemini woman likes to provoke a partner and challenge him. But Sagittarius even admires it, because victory, albeit small, is always a reason for rapprochement with your beloved. But here too it is not necessary to go too far, the man of this sign is quite straightforward and can express his opinion not very loyal on occasion, which in turn often leads to quarrel. But they very quickly reconcile. The compatibility of Gemini women and Sagittarius men is so complete that they can not tell each other about their small difficulties - their partner feels this way from a distance.

What hinders the relationship?

Sagittarius and twins love

But the compatibility of Gemini women andmale Sagittarius may not be so perfect. The reason for this turn of events is the pathological infidelity of both signs. They are both "adventurers", but at the same time they can forgive the elect for infidelity. If, of course, they recognize the fact that they are not the standard of fidelity. True, over time, the constant betrayals of partners lead to the fact that between them alienation begins, and marriage turns into peaceful coexistence of two practically alien and at the same time such native people.

Let's sum up the results

As you can see, the compatibility of Gemini women andmen-Streltsov almost complete, especially if they agree to get rid of some of their shortcomings, which are so hampering the relationship. And then this pair will be perfect.