This dream can dream both girls and women.Even men sometimes see a nightmare about how they combine marriage with a representative of their sex - they will not be envied! But if you do not get distracted by the extreme, what can the dream of marriage mean, what do the dream books say?

Girls and people who were not married
Waking up in the morning, you remember:"I saw that I was getting married in a dream. What does this mean? "If you do not have a permanent friend, then rejoice, he will soon appear! If there is, but you did not marry with him, then it's worth analyzing your relationship. You definitely do not like them. Do not even try to persuade yourself that he is perfection. Your soul seeks something else. She lacks romance, fire, or maybe just attention. You are in the web of a boring novel that makes your life dull and uninteresting.
Family Women
As a rule, respectable ladies in more detailanalyze such a dream. To marry her husband - to have a reasonable confidence in the strength of the relationship, for someone else's - to have not very clear intentions to "step aside". Maybe you yourself do not realize how disoriented is the monotonous rhythm of life, which requires urgent reconstruction.

For brides
This night scene has a different meaning for womenthose who decided: “Everything, I'm getting married!” In a dream, for them the ceremony will mean a properly built life. Everything that has been planned will come true without fail. Or the girl simply worries about the upcoming celebration. If the picture is dark, it causes negative feelings, then it is worth considering whether you are in a hurry to make a decision. The idea: “Somehow I do not get married in a dream” - may be a hint of the subconscious mind about the chosen one. It is not as open and “clean” as it seems at first glance.
To the widow
If a woman who lost a spouse, had a dreamdream, then she should not count on a quick change in fate. No matter how hard she said to her close ones: “I had a dream that I was getting married. Sleep is in your hand! ”Nothing of the kind ... This is just a reflection of her secret (or explicit) aspirations. The very same dream suggests that the desired event will happen very soon. A woman is better to do their health, so as not to suffer from a serious illness.
Special situations
“And if I marry in a dream for the unloved?“- you ask, and you will be right. This night vision has a separate interpretation. To marry a person who you do not like means that you are “going the wrong way.” In this case, caution applies not only to the relationship. Perhaps the wrong decision was made in business, parenting (if they already have), in relation to relatives or the organization of life. It is possible that your finances require close attention. We need to look at other memorable circumstances of sleep.

Marry a woman
If the fair sex(regardless of her real situation) saw that she was married to a woman, then trouble was already on the threshold. It is better, remembering the advice of old women, to immediately say three times: "Where the night goes, sleep there!" Your health will most likely suffer. The disease will be such that you will tell your friends more than once: “I saw that I was marrying a woman in a dream! I hurt so much that I could barely get out! ”