If you decide to marry Capricorn, you mustto know that the representatives of this sign are great workaholics, and you will have to accept this. You do not like it? Then it's better to stop the relationship and look for another partner.

Aries is very mobile, quick and fast indecision-making. Capricorn, in contrast to Aries, is extremely cautious and does not make decisions based on emotions. The love of such different people will primarily depend on material well-being. But even living in prosperity, the partners begin to pull on the blanket.
Capricorns and Taurus: Compatibility
Love between these signs occurs right afterdating. Taurus likes the dedication, diligence and efficiency of the partner. The leading role in marriage belongs to Capricorn, which is quite satisfied with the home Taurus. Despite the fact that this marriage can destroy routine, partners can create a harmonious, stable and stable union.
Gemini and Capricorn: Compatibility
These people are almost impossible to imaginetogether. Capricorn is aware of what can lead to a relationship with such a fickle partner, since he is not at all frivolous. Twins also understand that with Capricorn they will no longer have such an easy and easy life. Such relations will be burdensome for the representatives of the air element, and they will go on further searches.

Capricorn - very purposeful, hard anda little reserved person, and Cancer feels uncomfortable with him. Capricorn wants to rebuild Cancer for himself, without thinking about the fact that this is not part of the partner's plans. The representative of the water element is constantly in his fantasies and feelings, and his partner turns his thoughts into something tangible and practical. It can be concluded that they simply can not appreciate and understand each other.
Capricorn and Leo: Compatibility
Capricorn is trustful and straightforward.The lion can promise him a lot, and he will believe it. But when Capricorn tired of waiting and realized that he had been deceived, he would be very disappointed in his partner. A representative of the fiery element does not like to be imbued with ideas about marriage, life or friendship, suppressing his nature, but such an alliance is also possible.
Virgo and Capricorn: Compatibility
The relations of these partners are strong and long-lasting. They are both great friends and lovers. Both the world outlook and their life goals are very similar, so there is no disagreement between them.

It is the union of the two strongest personalities.In it, Capricorn has the role of a strategist, and Scorpio is a tactician. Partners respect each other for their stamina and strength. Scorpio is prone to exaggerations and is prone to explosions of emotions. Capricorn can "cool" the partner.
Libra and Capricorn: Compatibility
Capricorn likes conflictlessness andbalance Libra, but he wants to keep his soul mate under control. Libra can become cramped in such jagged mittens, and they will go in search of a better share.
Capricorn - Sagittarius: compatibility
Sagittarius considers the chosen one a formalist and a bore.He does not like being commanded, but his partner wants him to stay at home all the time. Between these signs there will always be a war. For freedom, Sagittarius will fight like a tiger.
Capricorn: Compatibility with Pisces
If Capricorn will not suppress Pisces, they willin all to give him, the union can be very good. Capricorn will make Pisces confident in the future, and they will help him climb the career ladder.
Capricorn and Aquarius: Compatibility
In this union problems arise from scratch.Capricorn "exasperates" the unessentialness and excessive sociability of a partner. He lives home and work, and Aquarius likes to fly in the clouds and is full of original ideas.