/ / Fall from a height - what does the dream book say? Height in a dream what does it mean?

Fall from a height — what does the dream book say? Height in a dream what does it mean?

One of the most terrible dreams, which, perhaps,everyone dreamed - this is a dream in which a person falls from a height downwards. What does height mean in a dream and how various dream books interpret this, we will learn from this article.

dream height

French dream book

According to the tradition of this dream book, falling down meansall sorts of difficulties and problems. It is important in this case, what happens after a person has fallen. If he rose, the dream promises victory and a favorable outcome of events in reality. But if the fall from a height ended tragically, and the person could not rise, then in reality you have to wait for misfortunes and bad news.

Sensible dream book

In accordance with the interpretation given by this dream book, falling down should be understood as an insult that you will inflict in a short time. Your reputation will probably be stained.

Female dream book

A fall from a height in a female dream book isforeshadowing the fact that soon you have to solve any problems. However, such a plot promises you that you can handle it. However, if during a fall you hit hard, then in reality be prepared for serious material losses or even partings with people close to you.

dream catcher fall from a height

Psychoanalytic dream book

A very multidimensional interpretation suggestspsychoanalytic dream book. Height and fall from height are interpreted by it as a precarious situation in reality, the presence of problems and failures. In addition, the fall is considered in it as a symbol of falling under the adverse influence or simply under the power of your enemies. As a symbolic burial, such a dream may also mean a quick death - this is how it offers to understand this dream book. Falling from a height for women, in addition to the above, can mean sexual intercourse. This interpretation comes from a number of physiological associations, as well as from the definition of "fallen woman."

fear height in a dream

If in your dreams you see falling from a heightanother person, this is understood as the unmanifest death wish. However, for a man this may have another meaning, namely, a latent desire to master a fallen woman, as this dream book claims. Jumping from a height, having previously climbed a hill, is a sign of instinctive fear of your own inflated ambitions, fear of being defeated and failing. A fall can also mean a transition from active to a passive state of waiting, a change of mind. If you fall into the bottomless abyss, then her dream book offers to understand as the abyss of your loneliness or despair. An alternative interpretation of the abyss - the subconscious. That is, falling into the abyss in a dream implies that in reality you have to feel the need to find contact with your unconscious, to feel the need to deepen the standard of living.

Dream Medea

As a warning about future misfortunesoffers to understand the fall of this dream book. Falling from a height in a dream means the loss of material goods, reputation or status in reality. Also this dream can mean that your secret will be revealed and you will be exposed. If you have to fall into a pit, then this may mean, in addition to the above, a quick illness. Being afraid of heights in a dream and even waking up when falling is a good sign that says that everything is starting to get better.

Sonnik Miller

If you are injured while falling in your sleep,it is a foreshadowing of any loss in reality. It is even possible that betrayal by friends. Being afraid of heights in a dream is considered a good sign, especially if you fall. Such fear promises you victory in the struggle with your problems and future success.

falling from height

Psychological dream book

As such, a fall in a dream is considered a signheightened anxiety, if you believe what this dream book says. Height means your fear and willingness to surrender to difficulties. You tend to give in, and if you have not already done so, the dream shows your hesitation. Also, such a dream can mean a loss of self-control, a sense of helplessness, despair.

The Dream of Azar

Positive interpretation is different this dream book. The height, or rather the fall from it, is interpreted as promotion, career growth, expansion of the sphere of influence, and so on.

The American dream book

According to this dream book, a fall from a height isa symbol of falling when trying to learn to walk. Such dreams reflect your attempts to cope with reality, find your place in life and solve your problems. In addition, according to this dream book, the height is a sign of your lack of confidence in yourself and your own strength.

English dream book

This dream book has four options.interpretation of a dream in which you have to fall from a height. According to the first meaning, the dream speaks of the loss and loss of your current status. The second option is more specific and is suitable only for those who are experiencing a state of love. A dream in this case is interpreted as vain attempts to establish a relationship - they still end up with nothing. The third value is related to the conduct of trade and business. In general, financial losses and a difficult period are what this dream book foreshadows for businessmen. The height and fall from it, according to the fourth interpretation, means a shipwreck and a bad way. This is especially true for those who are going to travel by water. The greatest negative value in this case is sleep when you have to jump into the water from a height.

dream jump from a height

East dream book

Как добрый знак понимается этим сонником a dream in which when falling down you experience fear. This means that your problems will be solved safely. Worse, however, is if you fall into the abyss. In this case, you will have to wait for losses and deterioration of relationships with loved ones. The same thing means a dream in which you have hurt yourself during the fall.

Idiomatic dream book

В данном случае толкователь предлагает пойти by associating with expressions such as "fall deep" and "sink to the very bottom." This means that sleep should be understood as a sign of internal degradation of the individual. There is, however, another side, repelling the expression “to descend to the earth.” A second interpretation of the dream is derived from it, which speaks of the acquisition of a sense of reality, realism awakened in man.

Imperial Dream

In general, the imperial dream book offers to understandfalling from a height as an illustration of their own inadequacy in the current situation. This dream suggests that all actions taken in reality are meaningless, and chaos reigns in your head. The dream also illustrates your spiritual decline, loss and stupidity. At the level of physiology, it can also portend diseases of the kidneys, liver and spleen.

jump into the water from a height

Icelandic Dream Book

The interpretation of this dream book is unequivocal. So, he proposes to understand falling down as loss of honor in reality.

The Italian dream book

According to an Italian dream book, a fall down cantalk about your underlying fear of losing your current status and career achievements. He also reports that because of this, you are under the influence of others and do not fully control yourself. Another possible meaning is associated with this dream book with death. Either in the sense that you are experiencing a strong fear of death or a serious illness, or as an indicator of the death of some of your relationships, plans or desires. Also, a dream in which a person sees himself falling, can tell him about his inability to stand firmly on his feet - in the figurative sense of the word. Sleep can also be regarded as an allegory of the collapse of erotic hopes and desires associated with someone.