Is there a reason for concern for a person who saw an explosion in a dream? What does such a vision prevent? Interpretation depends on the details that the dreamer must recall.
Blast in a dream: Miller's dream book
What explanation does Miller offer?What does it mean to see an explosion in a dream? Najava the sleeper will experience discontent, the reason for which will be the actions of someone from his inner circle. If it was dreamed that the explosion turned black face, it promises conflicts. A person can without reason be accused of excessive talkativeness, dissolving gossip.

Splinters, smoke - such a plot predicts failurein business. In the coming days is to refrain from signing contracts. If in a dream a person throws up a blast wave, in reality it is surrounded by unworthy people. Soon, one of the fake friends will use his trust for personal gain.
If a young woman dreamed of an explosion in a dream, in reality she should beware of casual acquaintances.
Dream interpretation of Heinrich Rommel
If the sleeper is present in the explosion, in realityshould be wary of getting into a deadlock. Also, such dreams can predict a disease that will require long-term treatment. In some cases, such a plot promises a person the long-awaited recognition of his merits.

What else does an explosion in a dream mean?If blackened people have dreamed up, it promises unfair accusations. The sleeper may be attributed to actions that he did not actually commit, as a result of which his relatives will turn away from him.
Bang house
Sometimes people in their nightmares watch the explosion.houses. Often such a plot hints that a person is on the verge of an important decision. The correctness of his choice depends on how effectively and quickly the problem will be solved.

What else does such a dream tell?The explosion of the house can be imagined to those who are preparing to make a fatal mistake. If a person does not change his mind in time, his career will be at risk. Therefore, you should not make responsible decisions rashly, it is better to leave enough time for yourself to think.
Dream Aesop
The nightmare in which the explosion appears should be taken as a warning. In the near future, a person may become a victim of an accident, for example, to suffer in a car accident.

Dream Aesop advises to pay maximum attentionown security issues. It is advisable for some time to refrain from driving a car, not to get involved in extreme sports. Also, do not appear in dangerous places.
Explosion of aircraft
Airplane blast - a dream that is also often seenpeople. Such a plot promises a man a nervous breakdown. It can provoke a difficult situation in the family or at work. The dreamer needs to pause, break out of the shackles of routine. It is the best time to go on a trip, to remember the old hobby. It is important to avoid conflicts that negatively affect the mental state.
О чем предупреждает кошмар, в котором взрывается car? Soon the dreamer realizes that his goal is unattainable. It will make him survive disappointment, regret the time spent in vain.
Hear the blast
Sleeping can not only with my own eyesto see an explosion in a dream, but also to hear it. Such a plot predicts changes in one or another sphere of life. A person will have a desire to expand the circle of communication, change jobs, get new hobbies. He can also leave behind negative habits, replacing them with useful ones.
Some dream books claim such a nightmaredreams of a man who will experience passion. In the near future, he will plunge into his romantic feelings, and it will be difficult to keep feelings under control.
Different subjects
What other scenes are considered dream books?If a person has dreamed that he was the victim of an explosion, in reality changes are waiting for him. An event will occur that will force him to take a fresh look at familiar things. The dreamer will abandon the old values of life, he will have new landmarks.
What does an explosion in a dream mean if it entailsa fire? Such a plot suggests that a person has appeared or is about to have problems at work. If he does not take control of the situation in a timely manner, the case may end in dismissal, demotion. Some dream books claim that the fire that occurred as a result of the explosion, dreams to change for the better.
In their dreams, people sometimes have to run awayaway from the place where the explosion occurred or is about to happen. This predicts protracted conflicts that will happen within the family. For example, the owner of a dream can part with his second half, take a long pause in a relationship. It is great if a person in a dream experiences an explosion and remains unscathed. In reality, it will not be difficult for him to overcome unexpected obstacles, his dreams will surely come true.