/ / The foundation of pile-screw: disadvantages and positive features

The foundation is pile-screw: flaws and positive features

The prevalence of pile foundations inrecently beats all records in the construction industry, and it concerns not only large companies, but also individuals. A huge role in such "people's love" was played by the reliability and comparative simplicity of the design, which is famous for the foundation of the pile-screw. He has drawbacks, but their advantages easily overlap. However, we suggest starting with the most important fundamentals.

A little bit about piles ...

foundation pile screw faults
In simpler terms, this construction isa kind of a pipe made of high-quality steel. Its ability to wrap in the ground is due to the presence of a blade of a special shape at the end. By the way, here we "caught" the foundation of the pile-screw: the disadvantages of this design is that for screwing the pile into the ground, you will inevitably need heavy equipment, whose services have not been cheap recently. In addition, under the condition of heavy and stony soils on the site, the price of this kind of work will surely multiply.

Difficulties you will arise and with the calculation of the most importantindicators when designing it. Why? The data from the reference books in this case will not help you, because you have to focus exclusively on specific indicators, constantly applying them in the calculations. Therefore, if you are not a mathematician, leave the pile-screw foundation (which we describe as deficiencies) to specialists who will be able to calculate all the indicators with maximum accuracy.

calculation of pile screw foundation
And one more nuance.Many beginners admit an extremely gross mistake. It is a question of that after penetrating the piles into the ground they should not be unscrewed at all, raising to the level you need. In this case, the strength of fastening the pile in the ground is sharply reduced, so it is not worthwhile to engage in such risky experiments. However, the pile-screw foundation, the calculation of the cost of which is better left to specialists, is not to blame for the lack of basic knowledge among builders.

We hope that you have not abandoned the idea of ​​mounting this particular design, having read about its shortcomings? And very good, as we move to its merits!

Among these are economy.Performing even a rough calculation of the pile-screw foundation, you can easily see it. Experts say that resource savings (in comparison with other options) can reach 50%! And this despite the fact that for the erection of the same ribbon foundation under the same conditions, a monolithic slab may be required, the cost of which will further exacerbate the difference!

pile screw foundation
Add to this, and the speed of work, withwhich the above-described pile-screw foundation (whose imperfections already seem insignificant) can be erected in a few hours. Note that after screwing the piles, you can almost immediately start building, which can not be said for the same tape type.

In addition, the participation of construction equipment (owhich was mentioned above) is limited only by assistance when screwing the supports into the ground. Yes, there is virtually no earthwork, so the cost of excavator services can also be greatly saved.