Stretch ceiling is not only beautiful, butand durable coating. However, if you use it long enough, the surface may lose its original appearance. The situation will be saved by cleaning and proper care. It's important to remember that matt and glossy ceilings need to be cared for differently.
Features of care

Before you wash the stretch matte ceiling,it is necessary to understand the variety of means for carrying out such work. Some believe that nothing special needs to be done, it is enough only to follow the external purity. However, there is another opinion, which says that the ceiling needs careful periodic cleaning and pulling up the sagging cloth. If you solved the problem of how to wash the stretch ceiling matte without getting divorced at home, but to achieve a positive result failed, and the material was damaged, then in the future it is recommended to learn more about the technology of work. It is noteworthy that, even if the ceiling hangs, you can remove it, and then hang it again. But in this case can not do without the help of professionals.
Means for washing the ceiling

If you are faced with the task of how to washstretch matte ceiling, it is important to decide what cleaning agents to use. It is also important to understand what technology to operate on. Not every product is suitable for the care of a frosted ceiling. For example, abrasive and active chemical components should not be used, as they can damage the material. Among the abrasive agents, dry powders and substances that are intended for use in dry form can be isolated. They can scratch the material. Even if they are diluted in water, they do not cease to be dangerous due to the presence of insoluble elements.
Active substances are acids,solvents and alkalis, they too are prohibited. It is important to familiarize yourself with the ingredients of the mixture, among which there should not be acetone, which will simply melt the film. The best tool is a special formulation that is recommended by the manufacturer. You can buy it in construction stores. If you do not have such a tool on sale, and you still want to wash the ceiling, then you can use the usual soap solution, which copes with its tasks perfectly.
Before you wash the stretch matte ceiling,it is possible to prepare means for cleaning mirrors and glasses. Some of them contain ammonia, but if there are no other harmful substances, then you can use them. The simplest solution is to use a dishwashing detergent, which is presented as a solution or gel. The main task before using such formulations is to test the mixture for the absence of active chemical compounds. Moreover, the use of such funds should be accompanied by dilution with water until a small amount of foam can be obtained. It is easier to apply to the surface, and you can use a soft napkin. With it, you eliminate the stains, bubbles and foam marks on the surface.
Method of cleaning

Many owners of private houses and apartmentsthink about how to wash the stretch matte ceiling. Before starting work, you must remove all jewelry from your hands, including rings, bracelets and rings that could damage the coating. Not all cases require complicated techniques, it is often possible to do with simpler measures, this is especially true for matt coatings that can be easily cleaned with water or with a conventional vacuum cleaner. On such surfaces, water will not leave a divorce, and care for the hostess will be much easier.
Before you wash the stretch ceiling matte, youYou can prepare a brush from a vacuum cleaner, which simply walk along the surface, in most cases this is enough. It is better if the brush is as soft as possible, and care should be taken not to touch the blade with sharp edges of the nozzle, since there is a high risk of tissue damage. If you have not managed to get rid of the pollution completely, then you need to take a more serious approach to solving the problem. You can wash the canvas by first checking how the detergent acts on the cloth in the corner of the room. If the damage occurs, it will not catch your eye.
Advice from a specialist

If you are still thinking about how to wash the stretchthe ceiling is matte, then it is necessary to start the work after checking the means on a separate section of the ceiling. Once you make sure that the detergent composition is safe, it can be applied to the entire base of the fabric, making circular motions. The coating should not be pressed, as the film may be damaged. Glossy surfaces are best not cleaned by such a technology, as they can be left with stains. In order to exclude their appearance, you can use gels for washing mirrors, and with the help of ammonia it will be possible to achieve an attractive shine and remove the grease that most often occurs in the kitchen. After washing the stretch ceiling matte without getting divorced at home, you can treat the surface with a dry rag that does not leave villi on the ground.
Care of matte fabric ceilings

If in the rooms of your apartment or housefabric matte ceilings are installed, then care for them will be the simplest. Use special detergents is not necessary, in addition, it can be dangerous to the appearance of the coating. Sufficiently dry cleaning. Experts advise to use the most minimal amount of water, and if you use a sponge, it should be well wrung out. Otherwise, she can leave the stains on the film. It is most convenient for this use a stepladder, but you should not be afraid that cleaning will be very often required. It is enough to clean the base once every six months, regardless of whether a cheap or expensive version of the material was used for repair. Exceptions are the premises, the conditions of which are characterized by a high degree of pollution, here you can include bathrooms and kitchens, where the purity of the ceiling should be monitored somewhat more often.
Nuances of works

If you have a question about how to washmatt stretch ceiling, then you have to define the material in its base. If it is a vinyl cover, then it easily transfers the impact of funds intended for the care of products made of polyvinyl chloride. This includes "Mr. Muscle", which is produced for the care of plastic windows. With its help, you can clean the matte film, excluding the formation of divorces. Re-polishing is not required. However, wipe the dry surface every time still have to, otherwise wet traces will leave hair that will change the color of the ceiling after drying.
Quite often mistresses think about howproperly wash the stretch ceilings matte. If you do this every six months, small spots should not be ignored. They can stay, for example, after an awkwardly open bottle of champagne. If you notice a yellow stain on the ceiling, you can not wait for it to dry out, fresh dirt will be easier to clean. Manufacturers advise immediately to get wet with a napkin.
Features of washing the ceiling in the kitchen

Before washing the stretch ceiling matte onkitchen, should not be stockpiled with any aggressive substances, as care of the coating in this area of the house is carried out using the same technology. The only difference is the more frequent washing procedures. It should be remembered that the fabric matte fabric is less durable than PVC-coated, so treat them as carefully and gently as possible. Sometimes glass cleaners penetrate inside the structure and change the color of the surface, so it's best to discard such substances in favor of ordinary water. In case of severe dirt, a powder solution is recommended. However, the particles must be completely dissolved. It is important to take into account also the fact that the same area should not be rubbed for too long, as it can be damaged, and after drying the color may change.
What else you need to know about caring for the ceiling in the kitchen
Wash matt stretch ceilings without streaksit turns out not always, but only in the event that the manufacturer's recommendations are not observed. If you decide to refine the kitchen with a stretching cloth, it is better to accompany the repair work by installing the hood, as it will eliminate the greasy soot that most often settles on the ceiling surface. Through the open window inside can get and street dust, which also contributes to the contamination of the surface. In addition, you should not smoke in a room where there are stretch ceilings.
After washing is completed with the help of specialmeans to rinse the surface with clean water, and then wipe dry. If you are still thinking about what you can wash the stretch ceilings matte in the kitchen, then some experts advise using dishwashing detergents.