/ How to paint fur at home. How to paint fur of a mink, polar fox. What and how to paint natural fur

How to paint fur at home. How to paint fur of a mink, polar fox. What and how to paint natural fur

Fur products have always been differentinvulnerability to the effects of high temperature differences and other environmental factors, but sooner or later the fur on them can fade, lose its former brilliance, cover with spots or simply shed. However, the color loss of a fur coat is not a verdict at all, and you can restore its former brightness without recourse to specialists. And today we will consider how to paint natural fur (on the example of mink and Arctic fox) and artificial in the most effective ways.

how to paint fur at home

We paint fox fur products

If there is very strong contamination or discolorationit is necessary to treat its surface with some alkaline solution. Coloring elements do not fit well into the structure of greasy or dirty hair. Therefore, to achieve a perfect result, you need to make the appropriate solution. The cleaning agent is prepared as follows:

  1. For 1 liter of water, 2 teaspoons of salt are added.
  2. 1 teaspoon of ammonia and as much detergent.
  3. 2 teaspoons baking soda

The resulting substance should be applied to the fur with a brush. Such a product is dried in a natural way.

how to paint fur at home

When processing the inner part of the fur coat, it must first be treated with glycerin or fat cream. This is done in order to prevent it from drying out.

how to dye mink fur

What color is better to choose?

The answer to this question is ambiguous.In any case, the final choice is yours. However, experts recommend painting a fox in dark colors. If you want to recolor the fur coat in a lighter shade, pre-treat it with hydrogen peroxide.

Before painting the fur at home,you need to wet the coat thoroughly in water. It is applied to the surface of the fur the usual hair dye. Do not hesitate to apply this substance. Do not forget about safety measures - use rubber medical gloves in work. They can be purchased in almost any pharmacy individually or in a package of 100 pcs. Applying paint on the fur, smooth the fur coat with your hand - so the substance will spread more evenly over the surface. After this, it is necessary to stand the product for several minutes (as indicated on the instruction with the paint). Then rinse the fur in warm water. It is best to add vinegar there. Now you can proceed to drying. To fur in the future not "sat down", gently stretch it. If necessary, pin it with pins.

how to dye mink fur

How to dye fur mink?

Mink fur is very close in structure andappearance to human hair, therefore it is necessary to paint it only with the help of an aerosol or an atomizer at a distance of not less than 50 and not more than 80 centimeters from the surface. To paint well absorbed in the material, you need to thoroughly comb it after each application of a new layer. With the help of a comb, the paint is more evenly distributed over the surface of the fur coat and other fur products, as a result of which they will look fresh and attractive. As we already noted earlier, the mink is very similar in structure to human hair. Because of this, you need to select for her a paint that does not harm her qualities. It is best to use the material tested on your locks, that is, ordinary hair dye. This is sold in almost every supermarket and on the market. The assortment and variety of colors will satisfy even the most capricious woman of fashion, so choose the suitable option, then boldly apply the paint on the fur coat.

how to paint natural fur


As for the drying, such restoredproducts can be treated with a regular home hair dryer. At the same time, you should periodically comb the fur, so that later it does not fall. In order to give the coat a shine, use a hair balm. It will soften the fur well and make its color more saturated.

than paint the fur

How to paint artificial fur?

First of all, it is necessary to decide whatit is the color you will paint this fur. Although in general the principle of work does not differ from that, whether you recolor the fur coat cardinally or treat its surface only partially. The difference is only in time.

Чем покрасить мех искусственный?As in the case of natural, the best means will be hair dye. If you want to make the color of your fur coat dark or light (that is, which is very different in color from the true one), use persistent options. If you are going to process the fur only partially, for such purposes, a normal shampoo shampoo will do.

So, you bought the right paint.What to do next? Before you paint the fur at home, you need to thoroughly degrease the surface of the fur coat and remove all the dirt from it. To do this, use a cotton swab, previously soaked in a detergent or shampoo. And one more thing - before staining it is better to check the color of the paint on a piece of paper beforehand. Sometimes it happens that the bottle does not match the specified shade. Or you just do not like it. Then you will have the opportunity to change it, and the fur coat in the meantime will not suffer from double "torture".

How to paint fur at home?When applying the material to the fibers, make sure that the fur is placed evenly on the surface. To avoid unpainted areas, use a comb (the same as with natural products). The material itself is applied with a brush in the direction of the fibers. Thus, the paint will capture not only the upper part of the fur coat, but also its tissue base.

how to paint natural fur

Wait a few minutes until the entire pigmentabsorbed. The exact time for each paint is different, so always follow the instructions for application. After the paint is well absorbed into the fur, wash it with water, if necessary, treat it with shampoo. If the fur coat is easy to wash, you can put it in the washing machine. After that, comb the fibers with a comb and allow the product to dry out. After drying again comb. If the fabric base of the fur coat does not lend itself to washing, remove the remains of the paint from it with wet cotton swabs soaked in warm water.


So, we found out how to paint fur at home, and also what means for this you need to have in stock.