/ / What should be the length of the rope? Types and methods of inventory selection

What should be the length of the rope? Types and methods of inventory selection

Skipping rope is the simplest and most accessiblesimulator, familiar to everyone from childhood. It gives serious stresses on the body, especially on the cardiovascular system, and increases endurance. Experts believe that 10 minutes of jumps with a rope can be equated to 12 minutes of swimming, two sets of tennis, a small jog or riding a bicycle for 6 minutes. The question is obvious about the length of the rope, so that the workouts are comfortable and effective.

Types of skipping rope

Before determining what length should berope, you need to understand the types of sports equipment. Incorrect selection can cause inconvenience or even injury. The modern industry offers the following types of skipping ropes:

  • For children - can contain beads.
  • Skipping rope with weighting (up to 3 kg) - for the development of the upper body.
  • Speed ​​skipping rope.
  • With the counter counting calories (electronic).
  • Leather - popular among boxers, develops the speed of reflexes.
  • Cotton or nylon - the slowest rope according to experts.

For beginners the simplest skipping rope,without additional functions. Plastic is the best material, its products are practical and convenient, suitable for beginners and professional athletes. The handles should fit comfortably in the hand, do not have to be heavy or slip out when moving.

After the rope has been mastered in fullyou can think about buying a more functional model. Experienced it is easy to establish what the rope length should be, but, unfortunately, at the time of purchase it is not always possible to jump and determine its quality and compliance with its own growth.

what should be the length of the rope

How long should the rope be?

Let's understand.Human growth is the main parameter that determines what length should be. Ropes can be with adjustable length. In this case, the excess should not be cut off, it is better to tie it to a knot and hide it in the handle. Too long rope will make it difficult to control your movements, there will be problems with exercises of a certain type. If it is short - there will be a need to constantly press your legs.

A rope for an ideal length is easy to determine.To do this, you need to take it in your hands, stand with your foot in the middle of the rope and pull along the body. As a result, the handles should be at the height of the armpits, but not below the chest.

how long should a rope be

There is another way:It is necessary to take both handles of sports equipment in hand, then stretch the arm forward parallel to the floor (a right angle between the arm and the body). If the bottom end of the sports equipment slightly touches the floor - the required length is found.

how long should a rope be for a child

Jump Rope for the child

How long should a rope be for a child?The selection rules are no different from the recommendations mentioned above. An important aspect that deserves attention when buying sports equipment for children - it should be light, bright and made of safe material. As babies grow fast, children's rope should not be pruned.